BYC Member Interview - RavynFallen

Very happy to see you chosen for a member interview Rav. I enjoy your posts in several threads.

Sorry to hear the first part of your life was hard. It seems to me that anyone who is 'different' is treated poorly by other kids and it is a rough road to adulthood where people can be more broad minded, understanding that we AREN'T all the same (and what a boring existence life would be if we were!!!).

Squirrel? What squi LOOK a bunny!!!!!
Bruce, so many rodents, so little time!
Bruce, so many rodents, so little time!

i have a short list of them 'rodents' that I will shoot on sight, and feed stealing squirrel's are at the top of my list (I carry a 20 shot C0-2 B-B pistol at all times when I'm outside) Bigger weapons are stashed in the different outbuildings. I don't have enough time to get all of them, but I do get enough to scare most away.

Edit to add, They are good eating when they are eating high dollar bird feed.
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Weeeeeee, I love you RavynFallen. Thank you for the mention. Awesome interview. I totally enjoyed. Love the pictures and your referral to their webs. Yes. Webs. Was not lost on me. Neither was your reference to their round compactness. I am proud you let me name my girl. She's one of a kind little ambassador gurl burd of smallness.
@RavynFallen you have a special way w/words and expressing yourself. thank you for sharing part of your life w/us. i truly enjoyed your story and all your beautiful flock members. for some reason, i have always been curious about you, not sure why, probably cuz the way you express...
thanks again.

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