CA Anyone???

The OC (Orange County). Originally from Huntington Beach, now in North Tustin. I am brand new to the forum and raising chickens. My girls are 10 days old. It has already been an adventure!

Wow i didnt expect there to be so many people from the OC. lol
Hi guys, Riverside is close and I do know where Reche Canyon is. I lived in Grand Terrace for a year.
We're on our second batch of chickies as the dogs broke into the brooder and killed 8 of the first batch. We now have 5 RIR, 3 BR and 3 Ameraucanas. Thanks for the warm welcome ya'll
I was just in GT today, lol. Sorry to hear about the chick loss. I just lost an A class serama and a turkey poult the other day. So yes i do live in Reche Canyon. Also if your looking for more bird to replace your losy chickies i have some for sale
You must be a night owl like I am. It was awful to find all those chicks dead. This is our first attempt to raise chicks and we'd only had them two days!!!! I wished I had know about your chicks. We bought them at the feed store and I prefer to buy from someone that loves their chicks and not just as something to sell. We had one survive the dog attack and we feared for her live but she is up and peeping like the rest.
I'm so glad that I found this forum. Unfortunately I'm spending hours here reading the posts!!!! (learning lots though)
LOL im only allowed to be a night owl on the weekends
I do have a little white silkie chick for sale. It only has 8 toes instead of 10 so i cant use it for breeding. im asking $10 since its already getting nice feathers. I also have some little courtnix quail chicks. They are pretty much ready to be outside for good now since they have all their feathers. $15 for the pair. I can send you pics if you want. So what kind of birds do you have? Ohh and if you dont mind me asking what feed store did you get your chicks from?
We found our chicks at the feed store on Kendall. I wish I could get more chicks but I promised my husband I would only get ten. Since our one baby girl survived the dog attack, I have eleven. Hy hubby thinks I pulled a fast one on him. I'm hoping in the future to work on him to get more. I find him in the garage watching them. He says its just to see where his breakfast is coming from but I don't believe him.
I've never even heard of some of the breeds you mentioned. I bet they're beautiful.

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