CaboodlesChicks Chatting Thread

Amazing! I just gave them a little bit of crushed up, dried mealworms and grit. I think they're loveing me! Ha ha!
My chicks loved me too! They would climb up my arms onto my shoulders!
I have Light Brahma's, Black Sex links, Easter Eggers, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island reds, Silkies, Red Sex links, Old English game bantams, White Leghorns, Black Australorps, Production reds, and New Hampshire Reds.

What breeds do you have?
I have Light Brahma's, Black Sex links, Easter Eggers, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island reds, Silkies, Red Sex links, Old English game bantams, White Leghorns, Black Australorps, Production reds, and New Hampshire Reds.

What breeds do you have?

May I join?

I have a BA, BG, two BRs, Four EEs, One SLW One WL-Errrrr, A chickens?hehe and a Idian Runner duck.
Can I join? I have 21 chickens, 20 peacocks, 15 geese, 4 emus, a duck (but I'M GETTING CALL DUCKS!!!!! *SQUEEEEEEEEE*), a guinea hen, a dog, 2 cats, 2 finches, a parrot, a Bearded Dragon, 2 rabbits, 3 Canadian geese, and some poor other animals I'm probably forgetting....
Oh, and I'm also a Christian homeschooler!!!!!! :D

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