Cage for coturnix quail

On that cage, I would put no more than 4 quail in there. The cage that I would really like is this one that is 30 x 36 (you have to buy the litter pan and framing kit separately); I would put no more than 8 quail in one of those cages. I originally didn't display it because "as it is" it doesn't represent the concept I was trying to show, and I wasn't sure if everyone would understand that there was more to the set up that wasn't being displayed. I don't recommend using this set up in an open area. I have a chain link fence around my yard and still had to move them. Like I said earlier, I keep my quail in my shed to better protect them from irresponsible pet owners who allow their pets/predators to roam freely. I lost one hen when a cat was able to reach through an egg tray and pull her head close enough to bite off. I've been relocating cats ever since.
Thank you for all the help. I am sorry if I came across as unwilling to accept advice. My intention was to put this cage in my backyard shed, but my chief concern is that a determined raccoon could find his way inside the shed. I like your suggestion for the home rig house as it is cheap and looks well built. I would appreciate any reviews on it. I do realize that my remark about rabbit cages came across as a little harsh, and am sorry for that. Thank you again.

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