Calcium for layers


Apr 4, 2018
Ontario, Canada
Hey friends,
Curious about calcium supplements now that I’m getting eggs.
My birds are in an aviary on deep litter. I’ve been mixing in bits of egg shell for them to pick through. I also tried to offer them oyster shell in a bowl, but someone decided dust bathing in it would be more fun than eating it so now it’s in the deep litter as well lol.
I was at the pet store the other day and picked up one of those cuttlebones they sell for parrots and put it in their run. The birds have definitely been picking at it.
Will cuttlebone be a sufficient calcium source?
The eggs I’ve gotten since they started laying a week ago have looked great, so I’m hoping they are healthy with what I have offered.
Thanks for your thoughts :)
I could be wrong but it seems a more expensive way to provide calcium?

Deciding if its enough is as easy as watching your eggs and production. Are the shells thick enough? coming regular? etc. Also watch hatch rates if your hatching, a low calcium lvl can result in Clutch Desertion meaning hatch-lings never hatch
I could be wrong but it seems a more expensive way to provide calcium?

Deciding if its enough is as easy as watching your eggs and production. Are the shells thick enough? coming regular? etc. Also watch hatch rates if your hatching, a low calcium lvl can result in Clutch Desertion meaning hatch-lings never hatch
I think it was about a dollar a piece which I didn’t find too outrageous depending how long they last.
How do people provide oyster shells so that they don’t get flung around?
I do plan on hatching some of these eggs when I have space in the bator, but they seem healthy and solid otherwise.
I just add it to their food. we trough feed and water. we altered the troughs a bit so less food waste. The only other feed system we used is a 5 gallon bucket with a pvc tube coming down. Used a Y at the bottom blocked off. They could feed out of the side of the y that was not connected to pvc. This forces them to put their head inside and usually has half an inch to 1 inch down to food. Hardly any food flung. In this we mixed oyster shell in with the feed.
I give mine ground up egg shells. I already have the egg shells so it's just cheaper and easier. I dump a bunch of shell on the ground every now and then. They take what they need. If you want to keep it out of the litter and also keep them out of the bowl you could use a small plastic container with a lid. Cut holes just big enough for the quail to stick their heads. If you don't fill it completely they shouldn't be able to toss it out either.

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