California Mountain Chicks flock, garden and more!

Jun 12, 2022
Southern California Mountains
I thought I’d finally start my own flock thread! I’ll start off with a little about me! I got my first chickens when I was 18, wanted only 2, read you should have 3, got 4. I wanted chickens because I am really into gardening and I loved that they eat garden pests, eat garden waste, turn all of that waste into fertilizer, and they are really great composters! Also farm fresh eggs are a huge bonus. I lived in the suburbs at the time on a small 1/4 acre lot in the inland valley of California. The chickens lived in a 400 sq ft side yard with fruit trees, shrubs, herbs, and a deep litter compost system, with the garden right outside of it.
Now I’m 21, moved onto 5 acres to a small community in the California mountains with my family and now I have 14 hens, and 6 baby chicks. Already planning 1-2 more hatches later this summer/fall. I do have to keep my numbers down though because my chickens do not free range. They reside in a predator proof 1,450 sq ft chicken yard with fruit trees, native plants/shrubs, herbs, berries, and other hardy drought proof shrubs! Their entire yard is a deep litter compost system where I add any garden waste, food scraps, wood chips, bedding, straw, leaves and more to create nice soil for the plants and the chickens. Whatever scraps and garden waste the chickens don’t eat just gets mixed into the deep litter and composts, no need to have a compost bin and manually turn it! My garden has never been better since harvesting compost from their deep litter system! All of my chickens have names and will retire with me, living out their lives in the chicken yard!
Now to introduce you to the flock!

My top hen Aphrodite, a silkie Cochin mix:

Second in command is Persephone, a bantam Cochin

Millie, the frizzle bantam Cochin, the designated mama

Penny, the Belgian D’Uccle

Bonnie, the lavender Orpington & Sally the splash Marans. These two are always doing everything together!

Dolly Parton the polish

Zoe, the splash Ameraucana. Don’t tell but she’s my favorite haha. 🤫

Molly the Meyers cookie and cream

Polly, the salmon Faverolles

Callie (aka chunk), the black copper Marans

Holly, the salmon faverolles teen

Gracie, the splash Ameraucana teen

Rosie, the mottled Java teen

And finally the 6 baby chicks! There are 5 white Ameraucanas, and one blue! All boys will find new homes, hoping I’ll have at least 1 white pullet and hoping the one blue one is a pullet too!
The Ameraucana babies are doing so well, they’re 2 weeks old today! Right now I feel like 2 are males just due to the comb! Of course it’s wayyy too early to be sure but it’s just fun to play the guessing game in the mean time! Millie is a fantastic mom, especially for it being her first time!

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