California - Northern

Ya I think if you're not planning on breeding any whatever you want to sinus fine. I have my layers in one pen and my other breeds all in their own pens with their Roos

The only thing i'd add, is hens form cliques and friends. If they are not mean to others, I like to keep friends together. Broodie girls will inspire each other, So its not a bad idea, you can move them once they have chicks if you have space.

Has anyone incubated peas before? I had someone contact me about it and was reading up on it. They said your best bet is to put them under a broodie hen for 7 days then try the incubator, but also said they wanted to be turned 5x a day, and I don't think our bator does that...

Thanks Chiquita...I like the friend advice.
At what age do you typically see friendships form? We have baby peas all summer long but we get em the old fashioned way so I don't know.

Two of my broodys chicks have hatched! We are so excited! 1st time we've had chick hatch! Thanks for the info to those who helped us with questions! And for all the info posted all the time! Super helpful!

Thanks Chiquita...I like the friend advice.
At what age do you typically see friendships form? We have baby peas all summer long but we get em the old fashioned way so I don't know.
Umm.. I don't know exactly! I just notice some hens hanging out with each other more ( and roos too) if you don't see some of them together a lot I wouldn't worry about it, If you do, keep em together if you can.
So I went to the feed store and I picked up two straight run silkies! I also got 5 Americaunas and six Plymouth Rocks

Be prepared for really silly questions on the hatching eggs. I was asked why I didn't crack them and let the chicks out.

news from the coop this morning -- i've found bits of two hatched eggshells (different colors) under Frances, and one of them is an icelandic/showgirl cross, no feathers on the neck -- oh my!! the other eggshell was a bresse, but i haven't seen an all-white baby yet... need to get her moved to a better nest.

BUT more distressingly: one of Speedy's four two-day-old babies (living inside a wire exclosure pen with her) has been scalped -- the whole top of its head is completely bare and a bit bloody. i have no idea if Speedy did this, or if another chicken outside the exclosure tried to attack the baby through the wire -- quite upsetting. the chick itself seems a bit subdued but otherwise undistressed, pecking at bits of food -- but i'm not sure what i should do. leave it alone? bring it inside the house under a heat lamp? is it likely to heal?

and since i don't know who attacked it, and have at least five additional baby chicks under Frances and more soon to hatch under Daisy, i'm not sure how to avoid further chick-attacks...?
I'm sorry to hear about your scalped chick. It sounds like other people have had this happen and she'll be ok. I use Vetericyn spray for everything and it heals stuff sooo fast!

My Daughters found a project--Someone put up a You Tube video with instructions for making Stargate SG1 Worm hole cookies. Of course we had to make them.

To be authentic, Blue Jolly Ranchers are used but we did not want to be limited to blue.

To make, use Butter cookie or sugar cookie dough--either home made or store bought.

Use a big cutter for the outer ring and a smaller one for the center.

Crush the jolly rancher candies--we used double sandwich bags and the flat part of a meat tenderizer. Use a cookie sheet with parchment paper--fill the hole with the cracked candy and bake at 350 for around 12 min. Depending on the cookie recipe and oven, the time could be shorter or longer.

Very fun project!
Wow Ron! You are quite the baker.. and such a good dad!

Woke up this morning because the chicks were being nutjobs and making lots of noise...Looked into their brooder and they all looked at me like "Oh! Everyone quiet! She's awake now!"

These dang chicks keep filling up the bottom of their waterer with sand. I mean this is the second time now that I've looked in their brooder in the morning to see that overnight they filled the ENTIRE bottom part of it with sand, enough that they can't even drink from it. I don't know how they're doing it...but I raised it up on a small wood block. That didn't help, because it had sand in it this morning. So I went outside and got two more wood blocks, it's now low enough that they can still drink from it(they all came rushing over when I put the water back in, probably thirsty after not being able to drink all night because someone keeps filling it with sand!)...and high enough that if they manage to get sand in it then I don't know what I'll do!
Of course, just my luck, one of the chicks will probably try knocking it over! One of the RIRs is trying to stand on the side of it. These chicks are crazy!
Putting the water up a little higher should work. Mine kick all of their wood shavings into their water and it soaks it all up. Since I put them up on a couple of bricks it hasn't been as bad! You're doing great!

Ok all, updates on the chicks:
Incubator: 11 out of 15 hatched. One (and only) Sumatra died after pipping.

7 blues or greys, 1 black or dark blue, 2 buff partridge and one blondie
Mommy Poppi is doing well with her bunch. She now has 4 out and I put the three last eggs from the incubator so she is now sitting on 9 more. Her count for right now is two Partridge Wyandotte Bantams and a blue and a blondie Silkie.

I love broody mommies..
Congratulations! I'm sorry to hear about the one that passed after pipping but it sounds like you had a great hatch otherwise!

My broody English Orp thinks she fits in this nest box. There are 2 larger boxes above her. I've been trying to get a picture of her facing out for a week now, but she's not cooperating. Her eggs are due to hatch on the 16th.
That pictures is so funny! She's so fluffy.. I love it!

NO WAY!!!! My dh was so upset when the series ended! (more like had a fit) We bought him quite a few of the seasons in dvd to make him feel better. This will totally earn my coop building points. Ron you are amazing!
Racking up the coop building points is an excellent idea! Haha The things we do for our loves!

I stopped adding .50 (or discounting .50) if they returned the carton when I found I could buy them for .07 from one of the sponsors here, The Egg Carton store. You get nice, sturdy cartons that talk about small farm chickens and you don't have ratty old cartons that are embarrassing to put your pretty eggs in.....and you can pocket the .43!

oops, forgot to say, I sell mine for $4 dozen.
Thank you so much for this information!!

The EE girls hatched 4/24 any thoughts on eventual coloring?? I looked at ears...or attempted too are they supposed to be white or is a yellowish color an indicator of blue eggs? Funny how the two on the ends appeared the same coloring when I go t them but now they are clearly different. The one in the middle I am calling Confection because she looked like a Bon-Bon two weeks ago.

I hatched these mutt red layers gender guesses? That is Curly on the right. Demonstrating balance. 8 days ago she couldn't do that without flopping over on her head Deb check the feet! YOU made that happen!

This shows Curly's feet better, her Sumo stance and that, whereas she once was smaller, she has now caught up.

No idea how you get a larger group shot with them all in frame and looking at you. I do think that whomever said Velcro is on to something.

Last night while watching TV with a couple of the chicks the little SS DH was holding did the Poo stretch and sure enough. She is the most skittish of all of them.

CA Grey flew out of the brooder onto the other one and then decided to sit on a bookshelf. She is easy to catch and though she likes to fly she like me and yogurt too.

ET increase the pic size
Curly is doing awesome!! You did such a good job with him/her!

Two of my broodys chicks have hatched! We are so excited! 1st time we've had chick hatch! Thanks for the info to those who helped us with questions! And for all the info posted all the time! Super helpful!
Yay!! Congratulations!
who was looking for 3 female geese? Not toulouse, but  something

Thanks, but I have good news! Ideal Poultry's website has a "notify me" feature, which I used, in case they have late hatches. I got the call this morning: they have a 5/29 hatch for Toulouse! So, if there are enough goslings, I'll get my three females.

Happy Friday everyone!! Woohoo for the weekend! We're going to Yosemite this weekend. I've been going with my family for Mother's Day since I was a toddler.. now there are 10+ families that join us each year. It should be fun!

My chicks are doing great! I extended their brooder size with a dog pen. They are loving it! They're in my sunroom and today is the first day I've run the washer/dryer with the chicks in the sunroom... let me tell you it was HILARIOUS to watch them. When the washer changed cycles they would freak out and fly around for a couple seconds before settling down. There were wood chips flying everywhere!
Thanks, but I have good news! Ideal Poultry's website has a "notify me" feature, which I used, in case they have late hatches. I got the call this morning: they have a 5/29 hatch for Toulouse! So, if there are enough goslings, I'll get my three females.

wee! gratz
Happy Friday everyone!! Woohoo for the weekend! We're going to Yosemite this weekend. I've been going with my family for Mother's Day since I was a toddler.. now there are 10+ families that join us each year. It should be fun!

My chicks are doing great! I extended their brooder size with a dog pen. They are loving it! They're in my sunroom and today is the first day I've run the washer/dryer with the chicks in the sunroom... let me tell you it was HILARIOUS to watch them. When the washer changed cycles they would freak out and fly around for a couple seconds before settling down. There were wood chips flying everywhere!
HHAAH! great visual!

The EE girls hatched 4/24 any thoughts on eventual coloring?? I looked at ears...or attempted too are they supposed to be white or is a yellowish color an indicator of blue eggs? Funny how the two on the ends appeared the same coloring when I go t them but now they are clearly different. The one in the middle I am calling Confection because she looked like a Bon-Bon two weeks ago.

I hatched these mutt red layers gender guesses? That is Curly on the right. Demonstrating balance. 8 days ago she couldn't do that without flopping over on her head Deb check the feet! YOU made that happen!

This shows Curly's feet better, her Sumo stance and that, whereas she once was smaller, she has now caught up.

No idea how you get a larger group shot with them all in frame and looking at you. I do think that whomever said Velcro is on to something.

Last night while watching TV with a couple of the chicks the little SS DH was holding did the Poo stretch and sure enough. She is the most skittish of all of them.

CA Grey flew out of the brooder onto the other one and then decided to sit on a bookshelf. She is easy to catch and though she likes to fly she like me and yogurt too.

ET increase the pic size
Curly looks like a skinny Cornish, standing like that. Cute!

As for EE colors, this is a photo history of some EE chicks and how they feathered. Surprising for some!
Curly looks like a skinny Cornish, standing like that. Cute!

As for EE colors, this is a photo history of some EE chicks and how they feathered. Surprising for some!

I hadn't thought of it but she does look like a skinny Cornish. This morning she tried to do that hop and fly thing....didn't get far but she didn't fall over.

Thanks Cool! I like how the chipmonky one turned out. None of these looks just like mine so I have the fun of waiting it out.

Saw this on CL. What do you think? It sounds like fighting birds to me but I know nada. Weird that I don't recognize any of the breeds though.
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