California - Northern

Did you know it was Hug a Chicken Day today?? Here is Della, getting her hug from me. She is doing so much better...still doesn't lay worth a darn but she tries.

I hugged all my chickens today!

It makes me sad that it is dark when I get home, and all the girls have gone to bed and I don't get to visit with them and watch them play.
But I did weigh them today, so I snuggled with each of them before taking them back out to the coop. :)
Crap! She might have gotten overwhelmed. I personally sent over 100 people ocer there. We need to grt her on shark tank!

(Ill check on fb to see if she has been around or not)

She posted on a canadian forum too so it is not just your fault she is so busy. BackYard Chickens is such a large hobby now that ideas like a rooster collar are bound to be big business.
Yesterday, I was feeling less than optimum, so I got a late start going to the Ranch. The young pullets in the "partial" flock there have started to lay just as the older hens at the Homestead are slowing down. I have yet to ask for friends to specifically assist me in "gathering" more hens and a couple more cockerels to move to the Ranch. I would prefer to work on that project after dusk when they are roosting than chase 'em down during the day. These are the birds which roost in the coop rafters or the apple tree....

So I was ruminating on this issue as I pulled into the parking lot at The Pub. The afternoon chef was outside stoking the pizza oven when I pulled into the parking lot. He asked how I was doing and commented on my "Good enough" reply. Yah, good enough is good enough, I thought, but apparently something about my delivery caught his attention.

When my order of Chicken Tenders arrived, it was pretty special.



Even the leaf of greens - some sort of dark, leafy green lettuce - under the food was a heart shape.

It did cheer me up. I bet it would cheer ANYbody able to consume cheese, bacon slivers and fried foods. :D
Awe! It's people like that who can make your problems seem more manageable. Thank God for people who "notice" us when we need it most.

Gryeyes, I'm glad you we're noticed today;)
Gryeyes, good to hear about a bright spot to your day, and a tasty looking one at that. Wish I was closer, Mom says I acquired "chicken catching" skills when I was very young. It's come in handy, a panicky 2 month old got loose on me today.
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA. It's been busy around here.

We will be leaving California next week, as my husband got laid off. We are taking all our chickens (26!) and their 12x7 coop to Seattle area with us. Actually they will have a few month stay with a friend in Oregon while we try and buy a house. The kids and I will be living with my mom, also in Oregon, while DH works and we look for a house. Anyhow, Clementine (who is turning seven on November 12th) has a silkie hen that she is very bonded to, and I think we will try and keep her in West Linn with us while we are there (ordinance allows six hens). I would feel better if she had a buddy, so I am wondering if anyone close to us has a friendly silkie hen they would be willing to part with. Healthy, obviously - we haven't had any health issues at all and I'm nervous to add any outside chickens, but I feel like I can trust you guys. We live in Pennegrove, we can drive a reasonable distance, or we could pick up the chicken on they way up to Oregon (possibly).

We could buy or trade for other chickens :)

I can't find any silkies, but...

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