California - Northern

Vaccinating is easy. I vaccinate on the leg just under the skin. The manufacturer recommends a #22 needle but I use a #25 because the #22 seems too big to me. I just bought more vaccine last week and was told that the feed stores are not longer able to sell the #25 gauge because drug addicts have been buying them. I was forced to buy the #22, but will try to source the #25 on-line and stock up. I have also used diabetic needles as they are even smaller. Unfortunately, the diabetic needles bend easily when penetrating the rubber stopper.

Although vaccinating is easy, I hate doing it. The vaccine is a live vaccine and it only last 1 hour after activated which means you need to be able to vaccinate all your birds within 1 hour. I shoot for a 1/2 hour because I figure the vaccine is less effective as time progresses, but that may be a flawed theory. I also dislike vaccinating because I always manage to spill the vaccine all over me which really grosses my out. I know people can't get mareks but it still gives me the willies

There is a huge debate whether or not to vaccinate. I was really tempted to stop vaccinating a couple of years ago but the more I read the more I realized I needed to continue. The main reason I choose to continue vaccinating is because I sell birds and most of my clients live in Sonoma and Marin County where Mareks is prevalent. If I did not sell birds, I may choose not to vaccinate.

Yes, you can keep vaccinated and un-vaccinated birds together.
Thank you juststruttin :) lots of good info
Does anyone caponize? Just curious. I don't think i could learn this one of the internet myself, but sounds like a great option.
And Ron:
I can't find anything about Pita Pintas. I've read when you post about how wonderful they are, so I tried to see what they are about. I can't find anything. Could you tell me more about them? Or maybe that would be bad….I may want them too. Ugh, this could get out of control with chicken numbers
Caponising roosters does not stop them from crowing or doing rooster behaviors. They just get fat and eat more.

if you are going to do it, you want it to be when they are VERY young so they heal faster, you are cutting a hole in them to the gonads and not giving pain killer. That is something you'd want to heal quick. Mario learned on carcasses, but we have not done it to a live boy, I'm still not sure I can do it. There are SUCH limited pain meds you can give chickens, especially when they are bleeding.
Another repost from my FB page and non chicken related. I am hoping Laura @lawatt or someone might have insight on what we are dealing with. No chickens (all cooped for night) were harmed.

A horrific sight this morning, the first predator attack on our sheep. A just weaned, 3 month old lamb found with 4 puncture wounds in her throat. Tail off and internal organs ripped out internally from the rear of the body. The rest of the body left intact. The other lamb in the pen was untouched. Pen is field fenced, 4 feet high. Close enough to the house that we should have heard any commotion. What kind of animal would leave a carcass like this?
Does anyone caponize? Just curious. I don't think i could learn this one of the internet myself, but sounds like a great option.
And Ron:
I can't find anything about Pita Pintas. I've read when you post about how wonderful they are, so I tried to see what they are about. I can't find anything. Could you tell me more about them? Or maybe that would be bad….I may want them too. Ugh, this could get out of control with chicken numbers
They come from Northern Spain and were nearly extinct. Spain started a preservation program and they were preserved along with other Spanish Breeds, including the Basque Hens in the 1980s. They are still listed as being in danger of extinction.

Another name for the is Asturian painted hen:

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