California - Northern

@Audio51 thunderstorm was supposed to be yesterday but nothing I saw or or heard. And there was only enough rain to knock the dust off of things. Its definitely needed everywhere at this point.

With all these thunderstorms rolling across the state I hope everyone is being fire safe. Best of luck to you all in these dry times.
We ran away from the heat today, Fog bank out over the ocean and a little breeze-heavenly! Watched the osprey fishing for their young, seals playing in the surf, a couple surf fishing, I think the cormorants were helping them. Half hour from home at 6:00-temp of 106°, all right all ready!
I am so jealous!!!! It is "cooler" here today, but also much more humid so for me, more miserable than just higher temps would be. If I move I start sweating. Had to go out to the store and shop because we are going to BIL's house for an early 4th of July BBQ. I was soooo glad to get home and back into the A/C. Really makes me wish I could afford a "Summer Home" at the beach!

I sorta thought that you may not've come this far, once I posted. But if you escape the heat again, you know where I am through Sunday! (Yes, we sell on the 5th. We can sell until noon on the 6th, but we're done, no matter how much unsold stuff we have!)
We used to do fireworks all the time when I was a kid on San Jose. Here in Butte County the only 2 places the public is allowed to do them is within the city limits of Oroville and Gridley. There are professional displays in other places, but they are too crowded and too late at night for me. Most of them don't even start until at least 9:30 and we go to bed at 9:00. I miss the snakes and the sparklers

The showgirls from @chiqita are really starting to blossom.

This one cracks me up

This is sooo sweet & friendly, always looking for petting & skritches

This buff is such a cutie
Awww...they are adorable! I let my 5 new little ones out of the small pen this morning and they were having a great time dust bathing within minutes.

Today I went to Hayes feed to pick up some GMO free layer and they clerk said that it was very popular for some reason today.--I told her it was likely my won fault since I posted about it on BYC this week.

It's all good, they will have more in next week.

They should be thanking you for all the free advertising!

I think I have a broody.

I think one of my buff orps is going broody. She spent most all day on eggs yesterday and was on them this morning. We pulled all the eggs from the coop but she wont leave.
She came down for a little while to eat and drink this morning but was back at it. Funny thing is she is my sweet lap girl so wasnt bothered too much or aggressive when we went after the eggs.
Why do they always do that when it id sooo hot???!!! I thought I had given my last one babies to raise when I got the day-olds from Jeff last week. Now I have at least 2.......maybe as many as 4 again.....

@Audio51 thunderstorm was supposed to be yesterday but nothing I saw or or heard. And there was only enough rain to knock the dust off of things. Its definitely needed everywhere at this point.

With all these thunderstorms rolling across the state I hope everyone is being fire safe. Best of luck to you all in these dry times.
They are talking about actual rain in the valley up here tonight. We had a few sprinkles about 10:30 last night but not enough to even tell it had rained by this morning. I normally love thunderstorms, but they are so dangerous this time of year.
I figure it's a long shot but I am in Sacramento & I have a beautiful, young cuddle-bug of a duck that I've been fostering indoors & would like to find her a home. I'd love to trade if possible for a serama baby or a tiny silkie baby, as young as I can get to raise to be a house chick like my muscovy.
If anyone is interested even if you don't have a trade, I just want Dahlia to go to a loving home. She would be a great house duck for someone or if in the yard, she would love all the attention you could give. She has been raised alone so I can't tell you how she would do in a flock.


(Sorry for the black bars, I hate them too but I wasn't thinking when I started recording)
Thanks everyone for crossing your fingers. 3 button quail hatched today, right on time.

They are soooo tiny - no bigger than 1/2 of my thumb.
32 more eggs to go...
Thanks everyone for crossing your fingers. 3 button quail hatched today, right on time.

They are soooo tiny - no bigger than 1/2 of my thumb.
32 more eggs to go...
Best of luck with the remaining eggs! They are so tiny, they reminded me of peanut M&M's. I'm having enough fun trying to keep the pyncheon chick from walking through the wire and joining the big ones. Only 1 would pick on it but hoping it grows fast.
Thanks everyone for crossing your fingers. 3 button quail hatched today, right on time.

Wow that is tiny. What will you do with them?

They are soooo tiny - no bigger than 1/2 of my thumb.
32 more eggs to go...

I have a large aquarium with a screen cover for the brooder. Eventually I'll move them outside to their own aviary. I'll probably have to sell the extra males though. They can be vicious with each other.

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