California - Northern

Merry Christmas!

Are you going to tell us your other good news?

People that keep chickens are great !

I gave mine some scraps and cat food that has fish and salmon meal in it today. Tomorrow I will give them some left over carnitas and something else.

Mine were swimming again...
Haha! Mine won't even go near puddles.
Although, I did have a white Silkie bantam rooster who would swim in our 3 1/2 foot deep pool.
Haha! Mine won't even go near puddles.
Although, I did have a white Silkie bantam rooster who would swim in our 3 1/2 foot deep pool.

Mine figured out that there are yummy things in there! They are crazy free rangers!

You should have seen what they did to a poor frog one time...

The BAs taught the others. BAs are known for foraging. One person posted that his BAs disappear into the brush and eat bugs all day. They would be great if you had free ranging space. They are black too so safer from Hawks.
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Beautiful snow and chicken pictures! Really creative and cute dog & cookie pics!

My daughter came all the way out here, with my grandkids, to spend the night and Christmas with us. A rare and special treat! Made jam shortbread cookies with the boys.

I got new boots. So nice to have dry feet while I do my chores now. I roasted a quarter pig for Christmas Eve, with apples & juice, sweet potatoes & yams. It came out excellent. My DH made Italian sausage with our beef & pork for his Christmas lasagne. It was amazing!

So nice to hear that everyone is having such a wonderful holiday. NOEL
Okay, finally home from my family Christmas today. And I thought of you today Ron as I drove through Woodland (had to go all the way to Capay).

Dang it's wet out there!

yeah we are getting a rain /snow mix here. was up at the house earlier and was snowing like crazy. was not sticking at that point but am sure it is now.
Hopefully the roofer can get it figured out tomorrow.

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