California - Northern

Wow! Trying to get the house ready for the baby and totally not able to keep up with you guys here!!!

FYI to all you married men- When having a home birth DONT spring it on your wife that you've purchased a silver lab pup and he is coming home a few days before the baby is expected.

good it of been lice or mites?
I have never had them here ( at least noticeable)  but this year they just hit like wildfire.
One of my Empordanesa roosters has them bad. was acting sick and could not figure it out 
looked at him real good yesterday and he has it bad.

I just got in from spraying the runs as best I could.
I sprayed hm and the Crele rooster with the gimp real good with permethrin as he sits a lot and saw a few on him.
Hope the spraying works. I am going to soak him in warm Vinegar water Thursday or friday. Also spray the coops well Saturday after I clean them out and spray the runs again in 10 days.
Hopefully that will help.

I need to get some frontline as well.
Does everyone use 2 drops from the small weight dogs?

Generally I only have to use DE and occasional run spray but this is the worst I have seen

I recently freaked out in my spring cleaning because one week after selling a buff Orpington to a girlfriend she came up with mites... Wasn't a pleasant conversation ...
So even though I saw nothing on any of the birds at home I went to town on my property.

1)empty and hose out all coops

2) spray the HECK out of every nook and cranny with permethrin spray

3) paint inside and outside of coops with white wash ( builders lime , borax , salt, and water)
Looks nice:)

4) dust birds over 4 months old (and again in 7-10 days for new hatches)
I found a permethrin dust that has dosing for poultry along with other live stock. I mixed it with the de and dunked them into a cat litter tray full of it . It covers scaled leg, northern and red mites. So I also threw the leftovers in the coop with the bedding .

5) Garlic spray - garlic juice with any bug repellent oil I put peppermint , eucalyptus and lemongrass (for youngers and for everyone's bums after the dust wore off ,once a week, ) bugs won't bite/chew where there is sulphur)

6) soap spray 2cp water 1cp oil, 1tbs Castile , Rosemary and basil. Spray over bedding to suffocate any bugs/ mites jumping off chickens making a run for hiding spaces in the coop.

The garlic spray and soap ( monthly) spray will stay in my "prevention program" along with garlic and cayenne in their scraps daily.


Don't you hate those treat all the birds at one time kind of chores?!!!  What do you use for leg mites?  Mine have never had them but I'm sure the day is coming.

The permethrin dust ...

Ok just doublechecking before I make permethrin spray for 1 chicken.

You can't use advantage on chickens right?

The active ingredient on the generic dog flea and tic is permethrin...

But I'm loving the info on getting garlic and cayenne into the birds systems at brooder age. Apparently the cayenne burns out the worms and the sulphur in the garlic is not edible ( repels and kills) by mites, lice, and other nasties.
Probably a silly idea but I gave the pyncheon eggs to a BLRW who has been sitting on nothing for a couple of weeks. She is untried so I'll check her in a little while to see how she did I last night. I gave her 17 eggs but she is plenty big enough for them.

I cleaned her area out and you would have thought the new shavings were going to kill her. She knocked the lid up and got out twice, even giving her a couple of eggs wasn't enough to get her to stay. Once it started to get dark she settled down and tucked the eggs under, then I tucked the rest under her.

Incubator is ready just in case Hoping she will commit and I won't have to explain more chicks in the house. When candling it looked like a couple of the yolks were stuck to the shell.
Once upon a time I read about a coop tour in Northern CA. I know that this is a huge area but I am curious if anything was ever planned and if so, I would like to participate. I live in Rocklin but I am willing to travel because, like this forum, learning from other chicken people is the best way.
PS ~ congratulations on reaching the #7 most popular thread
Once upon a time I read about a coop tour in Northern CA. I know that this is a huge area but I am curious if anything was ever planned and if so, I would like to participate. I live in Rocklin but I am willing to travel because, like this forum, learning from other chicken people is the best way.
I know they've done a couple in my area - Gilroy, San Martin, Morgan Hill and maybe Hollister.

Once upon a time I read about a coop tour in Northern CA. I know that this is a huge area but I am curious if anything was ever planned and if so, I would like to participate. I live in Rocklin but I am willing to travel because, like this forum, learning from other chicken people is the best way.

The Tour is in Davis.

It will be May 24th this year:

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