California - Northern

One of the the faculty in my department picked up two Pita Pinta pullets today. They are very happy in their new home.
those are REALLY pretty!
Thanks for the advice. I'll get rid of the infested scratch. No other feed was infested (feed is in a different container). The chickens mostly waited for the weevils to fall to the ground before pecking at them.
I sprinkle FOOD GRADE DE in the feed. It adds calcium (at least the grey version from, I think it's Redmond, does) Killed red ants and weevils in my grains super quick
Hey guys! It's been too long! We've moved, but haven't gotten the flock at our new place yet as we have to build a new coop. It's been a crazy last couple months! We sold Brawny ( our orpington roo) and just have our EE rooster. pyrocumulus from the King Fire from Grass Valley. All the smoke cannot be good for the chickies. :(
nice to have you back! I'm sure you can't wait to get the coops full. That is an amazing pic. It is so sad, especially that it was a purposeful act. I just don't get it
My 21 week EE is all puffed up, tail way down and lathargic today. She was a little slow yesterday but today it is obvious.
I have brought her inside (isolated). Her crop is empty. I put some wet cat food in front of her and she did eat a few bits but otherwise is not interested in food or water. I don't feel or see any injuries. Eyes are clear and breathing is normal.
Here is a pic.

I don't want to stress her more by messing around her cloaca. She hasn't started laying yet - could it be an egg problem?
My 21 week EE is all puffed up, tail way down and lathargic today. She was a little slow yesterday but today it is obvious.
I have brought her inside (isolated). Her crop is empty. I put some wet cat food in front of her and she did eat a few bits but otherwise is not interested in food or water. I don't feel or see any injuries. Eyes are clear and breathing is normal.
Here is a pic.

I don't want to stress her more by messing around her cloaca. She hasn't started laying yet - could it be an egg problem?

There's 2 things that come to mind:
Egg bound and cocci.
Since she's close to lay I'd think egg problems first.
The good news is mine respond really well to calcium tablets.
No cloaca exam needed for my birds.
The people kind with vit D for absorption. Tractor supply has a concentrated liquid calcium. I've given my girls some and within a couple of hours and egg pops out. Calcium helps with the shell but also with the contractions of pushing.
Mammals can have problems delivering from lack of it.
I had a point if lay pullet pass because a soft shell was stuck and I couldn't help in time.
So I would give tonight. 600-1000 mg is I believe the dosage but search here to be sure.
On cocci: corid or Amprol (same thing) is very safe. You can get it at most feed stores .
Powder and liquid have different dosages.
Kathy or Ron can give you accuracy.
Edited to clarify: it's probably one or the other and I would treat for both asap.
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My 21 week EE is all puffed up, tail way down and lathargic today. She was a little slow yesterday but today it is obvious.
I have brought her inside (isolated). Her crop is empty. I put some wet cat food in front of her and she did eat a few bits but otherwise is not interested in food or water. I don't feel or see any injuries. Eyes are clear and breathing is normal.
Here is a pic.

I don't want to stress her more by messing around her cloaca. She hasn't started laying yet - could it be an egg problem?
You do not have to mess with the vent to check for an stuck egg. You will feel it back there by palpating below the vent.

There's 2 things that come to mind:
Egg bound and cocci.
Since she's close to lay I'd think egg problems first.
The good news is mine respond really well to calcium tablets.
No cloaca exam needed for my birds.
The people kind with vit D for absorption. Tractor supply has a concentrated liquid calcium. I've given my girls some and within a couple of hours and egg pops out. Calcium helps with the shell but also with the contractions of pushing.
Mammals can have problems delivering from lack of it.
I had a point if lay pullet pass because a soft shell was stuck and I couldn't help in time.
So I would give tonight. 600-1000 mg is I believe the dosage but search here to be sure.
On cocci: corid or Amprol (same thing) is very safe. You can get it at most feed stores .
Powder and liquid have different dosages.
Kathy or Ron can give you accuracy.
Edited to clarify: it's probably one or the other and I would treat for both asap.
calcium pills, DE added to feed, vit D and calf manna. If giving them scratch, stop and start giving them black oil sun flower seeds.

Cocci is a possibility as well as mites. Both will make them puff up and act lethargic. Corid is the safest thing you can give a chicken so it is a good place to start.

Hey guys!

It's been too long! We've moved, but haven't gotten the flock at our new place yet as we have to build a new coop. It's been a crazy last couple months! We sold Brawny ( our orpington roo) and just have our EE rooster.

pyrocumulus from the King Fire from Grass Valley. All the smoke cannot be good for the chickies. :(

Do not be a stranger!
We've had 5big fires around us this summer.Smoke smoke and more smoke...we even had a fire camp a few times as well a refueling station on our property...trucks and equipment lined up all hours to get vehicles ready to go back out all hours day and night...

I can't help but think this is arsen....too many all within this area...anyone know anything about this? Is there at least an investigation?

There's a suspect under arrest. So yeah, they're investigating.
I sprinkle FOOD GRADE DE in the feed. It adds calcium (at least the grey version from, I think it's Redmond, does)
Killed red ants and weevils in my grains super quick
Thanks for that advice. I'm so new at this that the bag of scratch and the bag of DE were right next to each other in the same can!

For some reason, my chickens don't care for scratch much, and had more fun eating the weevils. I think there might have been weevil eggs in the bag of organic scratch because they haven't shown up anywhere else.
Thanks for that advice. I'm so new at this that the bag of scratch and the bag of DE were right next to each other in the same can!

For some reason, my chickens don't care for scratch much, and had more fun eating the weevils. I think there might have been weevil eggs in the bag of organic scratch because they haven't shown up anywhere else.

That is very likely.

Can you return the scratch? Get a refund and pick up some Black Oil Sun Flower Seeds(BOSS). It is better than scratch and you can sprout it too.
That is very likely.

Can you return the scratch? Get a refund and pick up some Black Oil Sun Flower Seeds(BOSS). It is better than scratch and you can sprout it too.
I'm not sure how long the weevil eggs take to hatch, but the bag is several months old.

The chickens have been getting sprouted seeds, including BOSS, for a while, as well as forage. Maybe that's why they have never been very interested in the scratch!
Thanks for that advice. I'm so new at this that the bag of scratch and the bag of DE were right next to each other in the same can!

For some reason, my chickens don't care for scratch much, and had more fun eating the weevils. I think there might have been weevil eggs in the bag of organic scratch because they haven't shown up anywhere else.
I had weevils in my whole grain barley one time. It must have been an old bag because they appeared in the hundreds 4 days after we brought the bag home from the feed store. Now I put the bags of whole grain in my big freezer for a minimum of 2 weeks after we bring them home. That has taken care of the weevil problem!

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