California - Northern

I have 2 Barred Rocks both 7 weeks old. For a while now one has had a slight redder and bigger comb. They both are roughly the same size and coloring so the obvious question done have a cockerel?
This is Mr. Tickles could it be an actual Mr?

And my other BR, Lurk
had a foxtail in my ducks eye. Thank you @chiqita for recommending I look again.
Did not think of the chickens and ducks getting foxtails
I have 2 Barred Rocks both 7 weeks old. For a while now one has had a slight redder and bigger comb. They both are roughly the same size and coloring so the obvious question done have a cockerel?
This is Mr. Tickles could it be an actual Mr?

And my other BR, Lurk

They look pretty dark to me I would say girls =)

Color and no wattles.

Barred Plymouth Rock pullets and hens have big combs so it is common for the combs to get big a bit early. They both look like pullets so far.
Welcome!!!!   You were told correctly!


Very nice job, Chris!  It looks great!

Me too!  Dripping bottles is a problem for me too

Took me a sec to remember "the dress", but you re probably right!

Awww...that sucks!

Heating pads?

So glad you caught it before anyone wad hurt!

How long was she broody?  My best broody will do the same if I don't give her a good couple of weeks before introducing chicks.

Awesome!   Love 4H!

So cute!   My broody is about 1/2 way thru on the Marans eggs from you...can't wait  :D

Wow and OUCH!!!

Another great shot!

Beautiful colors!

There is someone in Biggs on Craig's list right now..
Thank you!!!
A concrete reinforced iron pipe fence post can get a fontail!! Well, that is in my belief system @chrissyr and @chiqita a bit of an exaggeration but not much. I have had the honor of getting one out of the cheek flesh of a dog, How he let it get in, in the first place, is yet a mystery. You'll excuse the expression as it was a dog of a job getting it out! Some of these farm events take all the umph, skill and experience an old vet tech has, believe me.
Best wishes to all,
Neal, the Zooman
Wow! Did you flush it out?

Good job!

I was able to pluck it out by hand. I flushed it a little afterward. probably should have more but live and learn.
She does seem better. It's not closed all of the time now.
She was raised by my marans hen so is a little skiddish. but she was really calm while I held her and did it. I think she appreciated it.
These ducks are pretty sweet birds and so quiet. I'm getting a good amount of eggs and they aren't broody as I thought. This girl moves her nest every time I add or take eggs away.
Which is kind of good because she lays quite well.
A concrete reinforced iron pipe fence post can get a fontail!! Well, that is in my belief system @chrissyr and @chiqita a bit of an exaggeration but not much. I have had the honor of getting one out of the cheek flesh of a dog, How he let it get in, in the first place, is yet a mystery. You'll excuse the expression as it was a dog of a job getting it out! Some of these farm events take all the umph, skill and experience an old vet tech has, believe me.
Best wishes to all,
Neal, the Zooman

I assumed that chickens and ducks don't have foxtail issues. And the grass in their pen is mowed down pretty short, but still lots of them in there. They are ranging out of their pen today in the backyard where there are much less. At least until DH can do something about them. Can't believe something so tiny can cause such problems!
Quote: You're welcome!

A concrete reinforced iron pipe fence post can get a fontail!! Well, that is in my belief system @chrissyr and @chiqita a bit of an exaggeration but not much. I have had the honor of getting one out of the cheek flesh of a dog, How he let it get in, in the first place, is yet a mystery. You'll excuse the expression as it was a dog of a job getting it out! Some of these farm events take all the umph, skill and experience an old vet tech has, believe me.
Best wishes to all,
Neal, the Zooman
I actually watched one jump from the ground into my dogs nose years ago. They certainly seem to have a mind of their own! Fortunately I was still working as a Vet Tech at the time and was able to get it removed by the vet for very cheap!

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