California - Northern

My husband and I talked, and, since we already have what we need to brood chicks because of the egg abandonment (I even got some Save-a-Chick) and, as my older one pointed out, it's going to be a while before we head down to Sacramento ("Six weeks is sooooooo loooooong!"), and Parkway Feed's getting in RSL and BR on Friday, we're going to get a few pullets, raise 'em until they're fully feathered, and sell 'em. (Ron, we still want the Arkansas Blues--those're mine
) I actually know someone that's been thinking of going back into chickens--she was going to buy any extra pullets from this hatch
but even if she's not interested, it shouldn't be hard to sell guaranteed girls that don't need heat anymore--I'm only planning on getting 4 altogether, unless my friend gets back to me before Friday wanting more. While I kept all 4 eggs that have neither broken nor seeped anything, there's only 1 that I think might hatch, and if I'm right about that, it'll need some companions. If I'm wrong in the bad way, having chicks will help my daughters (and, face it, me) feel better, and if I'm wrong in the good way, we'll just have more chicks! I even have someplace to keep them once they get fully feathered if they're not sold by the time the chicks I'm going to be getting in midJune will be ready to go into the pen in the coop (which will be set up as a brooder--each batch of chicks will be spending a few days in the house so I can make sure everyone's OK before I move the brooder to the pen in the coop.)

So, anyway, the Save-a-Chick packets each make a gallon--can I mix the full gallon and keep it in the fridge to fill the waterer with as needed, or do I need to divide up the contents of the pouch and mix fresh each day? Either way, I figure a pouch's worth should be good to help with shipping stress, right?
Looks like the late pips are not going to make it. Though one zipped she appears to have died before breaking free. I noticed that the membranes on some of these is especially thick and some of the chicks dont cut all the way through enough for the egg to rip open.
Well count me wrong again. I have 1 out just moments ago. The one I had given up for dead earlier finally hatched. Spent a long time before zipping but she is out now. Just waiting for her to fluff up. (They all start out a she) Definitely had lost the other one last night. Mid way through day 25
Pics from yesterdays hatch so exciting my first ever hatch

The box of fluf

Great job, Chris! Beautiful little chicks!

OMG - I have NO self-control.
No sooner do I get peepers out of the incubator, I fill it right back up.
Plus extras under another broody, my turken "Pumpkin".

Thanks to Jeff McCormick (Papa's Poultry), I have set 9 ameraucanas (50% will be FRIZZLED - wow), 9 blue / black mottled orps (with a slim chance of a lavender mottled), and 12 white/buff/black columbian orps.

Also, I picked up a couple crele OEGB young hens who had been with a white OEGB roo. One hen kindly laid me an egg today that went into the incubator.

AND - my favorite new addition - a sweet cream ko shamo hen. She was broody with 1 egg (x fawn OEGB) & I stuck that in the 'bator too.
Just look at those eyes. <3
What do you think, @lualshannon ? :)
LOL!!! You fell victim to Jeff's alluring Specials too!! I met him in Chico with a couple of others. I got 2 Silkie pullets and picked up several birds and eggs for a friend. Poor Jeff! He had a LOOOOOONG day ahead of him!

Looks like the late pips are not going to make it. Though one zipped she appears to have died before breaking free. I noticed that the membranes on some of these is especially thick and some of the chicks dont cut all the way through enough for the egg to rip open.


Resistance is FUTILE!

My husband and I talked, and, since we already have what we need to brood chicks because of the egg abandonment (I even got some Save-a-Chick) and, as my older one pointed out, it's going to be a while before we head down to Sacramento ("Six weeks is sooooooo loooooong!"), and Parkway Feed's getting in RSL and BR on Friday, we're going to get a few pullets, raise 'em until they're fully feathered, and sell 'em. (Ron, we still want the Arkansas Blues--those're mine
) I actually know someone that's been thinking of going back into chickens--she was going to buy any extra pullets from this hatch
but even if she's not interested, it shouldn't be hard to sell guaranteed girls that don't need heat anymore--I'm only planning on getting 4 altogether, unless my friend gets back to me before Friday wanting more. While I kept all 4 eggs that have neither broken nor seeped anything, there's only 1 that I think might hatch, and if I'm right about that, it'll need some companions. If I'm wrong in the bad way, having chicks will help my daughters (and, face it, me) feel better, and if I'm wrong in the good way, we'll just have more chicks! I even have someplace to keep them once they get fully feathered if they're not sold by the time the chicks I'm going to be getting in midJune will be ready to go into the pen in the coop (which will be set up as a brooder--each batch of chicks will be spending a few days in the house so I can make sure everyone's OK before I move the brooder to the pen in the coop.)

So, anyway, the Save-a-Chick packets each make a gallon--can I mix the full gallon and keep it in the fridge to fill the waterer with as needed, or do I need to divide up the contents of the pouch and mix fresh each day? Either way, I figure a pouch's worth should be good to help with shipping stress, right?
I usually just divide it into 1/4s and mix it right before I offer it.

Quote: YEAH!!!!!! Glad you left the egg in!
Good morning Amy, I don't mix up Save a chick in large amounts. Seems counter productive to store it in the frig then have to warm it before giving it to the chicks. I put a pinch in the quart bottles with warm water, just enough to tint the water.

Sorry you don't have peepers from the eggs. I'm as bad as your youngest, "If it's on the calendar it must be so."
Really, girls?

This is a crack up! I have two big black Langshan pullets who are both broody and are sharing a nest box. It is a big one so there is room. But I don't have the space to separate them from the rest of the layers since all the broody spaces are occupied with either mamas & babies or broodies on eggs. A few days ago, there were 5 Langshan pullets in the box. The 2 broodies and 3 trying to lay eggs. Needless to say, the fertile eggs under the 2 did not fair well. I pulled the unbroken ones and put them in the incubator. So now, the twisted sisters are only sitting on freshly laid eggs until I collect them. A week old chick got in the box with them and they happily took it until I pulled it and put it back with its mama. So, I think that I'm going to try giving them some of the chicks that are due to hatch tomorrow.
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Those of you who have a Brinsea spot check thermometer, is it really worth the money? I have an assortment of thermometers both digital and liquid and none of them read the same temp. Also, how do you check the calibration on a digital thermometer that can't get wet? I've tried putting it in a plastic bag in a glass of ice water but it doesn't seem to work. I have a used Brinsea eco 20 that I am having a hard time getting the temp right in it. I'm just thinking about ordering the spot check but I want to check with you all first.
Those of you who have a Brinsea spot check thermometer, is it really worth the money? I have an assortment of thermometers both digital and liquid and none of them read the same temp. Also, how do you check the calibration on a digital thermometer that can't get wet? I've tried putting it in a plastic bag in a glass of ice water but it doesn't seem to work. I have a used Brinsea eco 20 that I am having a hard time getting the temp right in it. I'm just thinking about ordering the spot check but I want to check with you all first.

For about a year I was working on getting bamadude to get one. He finally did and found out that all of his thermometers were wrong! He also picked up a genesis 1588, verified that it was keeping the eggs at the correct temperature and right now has a 100% development rate. He will have his first good hatch now.

Get the discount code from Brinsea and get the thermometer from them directly. You can get them from Amazon but I would get it from them--and look into getting one of their certified spot checks. They do a calibration before sending it to you to make sure it is working correctly so they have a guarantee on it.

For about a year I was working on getting bamadude to get one. He finally did and found out that all of his thermometers were wrong! He also picked up a genesis 1588, verified that it was keeping the eggs at the correct temperature and right now has a 100% development rate. He will have his first good hatch now.

Get the discount code from Brinsea and get the thermometer from them directly. You can get them from Amazon but I would get it from them--and look into getting one of their certified spot checks. They do a calibration before sending it to you to make sure it is working correctly so they have a guarantee on it.
Thanks, Ron!

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