California - Northern

This was my third and FINAL experience with them. Every encounter has been terrible.
Feed store workers can be something. Yesterday a member with a chick that was pecked in the head by a duck was told by a feed store worker that a certain anti biotic might help...There is no wound just a brain injury....Another person heard some workers and customers talking about the old pointy egg hatches boys myth.

I bet that one started as a joke by some old timer putting one over on the Yungins!

I think their smaller stores can be problematic. Their main store in Pleasant Hill seems good.
Nope, that's the one that we have frequent problems with. Things like them selling me more bags of feed than they have. But the mistake is not noticed until I drive around to pick it up. Then I have to find parking again (sometimes a challenge there), go into the store again, and wait in line for a rebate. Another thing that has happened is I've purchased a long list of items only to find out at pick up, that I was charged for a different sized bag of feed. Again, I had to re-park and go into the store. Then there was the time when the guys were loading my truck with rabbit feed instead of poultry feed. At least I caught that one! You just have to be watchful and check you receipt before leaving the store to pick up your order. I still shop there when they have sales or if I run out of feed before George can pick some up. We have had a few problems with Scott's Valley Feed, too. But we buy several bags of feed every few weeks so finally after 2 years, they are starting to recognize George. One time, the lady working there insisted that I wanted Layer crumbles. George thought that the tag on the bag looked different but trusted that I had ordered what I wanted. My girls got to eat crumbles for a couple weeks. They probably thought that they were getting away with eating the starter feed that I work hard at keeping away from them. We are all just human and make mistakes. I just try to do my best to minimize the ones that my DH has to deal with. He's a good guy and makes things easier on me by picking up the feed for me.
Could a showgirl rooster mate with an orp hen?

it depends on the sizes @TheKeeper chick was the other way around orp rooster. One of my showgirls has a thing for the am hens but he can't reach and makes back foam when she squats. I can't imagine them fertilizing a english orp for example
Silly question... Chicks should be perfectly fine with just a box for a 5-10 minute ride from the feed store tomorrow morning, as long as the brooder's ready, right?
I'm sure your box will be much better than the one that delivered them to the feed store. I like taking a towel just in case, I can cover to prevent drafts or use it in the box to prevent slipping.
Silly question... Chicks should be perfectly fine with just a box for a 5-10 minute ride from the feed store tomorrow morning, as long as the brooder's ready, right?

I realize you are all much more experienced than I am :) but I got 2 chicks from a feed store this year. They had about a 45 minute drive home with me, and I had them in a decent sized box with feed and water. I know those things aren't really necessary most of the time, but in this particular situation I'm really glad I did that, because when I took the kids to pick them out, the cuckoo marans brooder was SO overheated at the store. It was a tiny box (TINY) with a heat lamp really low, all the chicks were piling on each other to get away from it, none would go near the water because it was right under the lamp, and when I put them in their box in my car the marans drank for like 5 minutes straight. Poor things, I wouldn't have been shocked if the others didn't even make it through the night in there. I wasn't even planning on getting a marans, I was going to get a dominique, but I just had to take at least one of those babies outta there. I'm not asking for perfect conditions or anything at a feed store, but none of the other brooders were like that. I also got a light brahma and they seemed much happier in theirs. It was pretty sad. Anyway my point is I'm sure your chicks will be totally fine with a short drive! :)
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Do any of you know how I can help this? My Delilah 7 week old Australorp pullet was beat up pretty bad and scalped. What can I do to clean it and dress it? ?? Will she live??

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