California - Northern

Got the little brooder ready (except for filling the water and food)

The bin already had those holes melted in--I think it housed a reptile of some sort at one time--there's a thermometer strip stuck to the side I didn't photograph. There is a lid--wire fencing covered in Press'n Seal and held on by bungees. Designed to prevent hop outs--I'm moving the brooder to the getting-to-know-you pen in the coop in a few days. The chicks will only be inside long enough to make sure they have a good start.

Now to hide it in the garage until the girls go to school...
What a wonderful surprise!

Figured this'd be appreciated here
Yes!!!! That made my morning (pretty sure I've done most of those)

That will teach me--I turned on use web app to correct spelling--in Chrome. That will be turned off soon....
LOL! Gotta love technology!
Question. At what age do older chicks stop tolerating newcomers, typically? I have 6 chicks, 4 are 4.5 weeks and 2 are 3.5 weeks (not really worried about the younger ones, though). I am thinking of adding 2 more, they are 2.5 weeks-ish. They will definitely be bigger than my legbar, so not the smallest of the group, but they will be new, obviously. I can't set up a separate brooder and I use an ecoglow, so I don't know how I would split the brooder up since I don't know how to split the heater. Thoughts?
Neighbor put a large Igloo dog house out at the curb and I promptly dragged it into my garage ... seems like it could be useful to chickendom. Maybe as a small coop in my side yard for birds that need to be quarantined? I was planning on building a secure pen over there anyway.
Question. At what age do older chicks stop tolerating newcomers, typically? I have 6 chicks, 4 are 4.5 weeks and 2 are 3.5 weeks (not really worried about the younger ones, though). I am thinking of adding 2 more, they are 2.5 weeks-ish. They will definitely be bigger than my legbar, so not the smallest of the group, but they will be new, obviously. I can't set up a separate brooder and I use an ecoglow, so I don't know how I would split the brooder up since I don't know how to split the heater. Thoughts?
Other than quarantine protocols for new to your place chickens, you can integrate any time. The trick is their size and since they are not too much smaller than the others, you should be able to integrate them...carefully of course. Have a backup brooder ready for them and if they start hurting each other, remove them and try again the next day.

I have my layer pen trained so well that they hardly blink when I add new hens in there. I do have to be more careful with the spanish breeds though.
Neighbor put a large Igloo dog house out at the curb and I promptly dragged it into my garage ... seems like it could be useful to chickendom. Maybe as a small coop in my side yard for birds that need to be quarantined? I was planning on building a secure pen over there anyway.

and as a broody pen.
Other than quarantine protocols for new to your place chickens, you can integrate any time. The trick is their size and since they are not too much smaller than the others, you should be able to integrate them...carefully of course. Have a backup brooder ready for them and if they start hurting each other, remove them and try again the next day.

I have my layer pen trained so well that they hardly blink when I add new hens in there. I do have to be more careful with the spanish breeds though.

Oh right, quarantine. Hmm. Not sure how I will manage that. These are from an NPIP breeder, but better safe than sorry I guess. I think I can separate the one I suspect will be the biggest problem, because she/he (I have suspicions I have a roo) is sleeping on top of the heater instead of under it, and I could put a friend with her. Kind of hard to explain but I basically built 2 brooder cages, and just took one of the wire walls down to join them together. I could easily put that back up if necessary. But... the true quarantine will be an issue. I'll have to give it some more thought. Thank you for your response! :)

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