California - Northern

Oh h2oratt…
You are one of the misnomerists I see. Read the label. When we mispronounce a word we often misspell it. So there is no such thing as Vetricyn; and I'll bet you are mispronouncing it too. It is ve ti re cyn, as in Vetericyn. Four syllables and NOT three. Help us call a halt to wrecking what is left of our shared english language. Okay? Bless you, gentleman or lady. There is no rancor here just buddies helping each other in a shared forum.
Neal, the Zooman
Oh h2oratt…
You are one of the misnomerists I see. Read the label. When we mispronounce a word we often misspell it. So there is no such thing as Vetricyn; and I'll bet you are mispronouncing it too. It is ve ti re cyn, as in Vetericyn. Four syllables and NOT three. Help us call a halt to wrecking what is left of our shared english language. Okay? Bless you, gentleman or lady. There is no rancor here just buddies helping each other in a shared forum.
Neal, the Zooman

I love how you get to the point. Kern
On top of exploding eggs the power went out for about an hour last night. I wrapped the incubator when I realized what happened. No use worrying about what I cant control but I dont need another day like that.
Hi All,
It looks like a prolapse adorned with a bit of coop poop. (Could not pass up the pun!) Okay, let's get serious. In large animals we treat such with a coke bottle filled with ice water. The we dip the thing in water and then dust it with sugar. This gadget is then used to shove the out hanging tissue back into the oriface. This can be a tough somewhat awkward challenge; so don't give up. The bottle is held in place while the sugar reduces the swelling with the aid of the cold water. The rotating the bottle slowly it is removed gently and slowly too. The hope is that it works! Using a glass bottle the diameter of the oriface I'd try that on my bird. If success, great!! If not, it's chicken for the next dinner. What other choice is there unless you want to spend a couple of hundred dollars for a vet to anesthetize and perform micro surgery sewing the prolapse back in place, on a $5.00 bird, that is? I wonder if any of our mutual correspondents have any tricks they may care to share…
At any rate, good luck no matter what you do!
Neal, the Zooman (and old [very] vet tech)
Hi Gang, again,
Chris (caychris) is my good friend and partner in a chicken research venture. (And that is my incubator he is sabotaging!) (LOL) Wish him all sorts of good luck and sympathize or empathize as is your want. He will need all the moral support he can get! He's a great chap!
Neal, the Zooman
On top of exploding eggs the power went out for about an hour last night. I wrapped the incubator when I realized what happened. No use worrying about what I cant control but I dont need another day like that.
So sorry that you had dual problems with this hatch. And why does it always seem to happen to the special eggs?!
Hi Gang, again,
Chris (caychris) is my good friend and partner in a chicken research venture. (And that is my incubator he is sabotaging!) (LOL) Wish him all sorts of good luck and sympathize or empathize as is your want. He will need all the moral support he can get! He's a great chap!
Neal, the Zooman
Hi Neal!

In the interest of preserving the English Language, the correct word phrase would be: "as is your wont".

It is a bit archaic but I love that!
The new coop is nearing completion.  Mostly painting and hanging the door left to do.  Any suggestions for the best paint color for inside the coop?

A light color in a washable and moisture resistant type. I prefer killz 2 great moisture barrier and washable and if you can get the paint people to do it tintable. I usually just grab a dark pretty color in pint size and remove a pint of the killz2 and mix in the colored pint and mix, end up with a nice light shade that's washable and mold resistant =) good luck the Pekin named after anyone special????  ;)    I bet they lose tier fear of you quickly when they figure out that seeing you means food!
I hope they mellow out . They didn't care I had mealworms so far. If anyone is interested, I should have 2 golden hybrid 300 duck layer girls after they feather out. Probably going to ask $30 each. Amazing layers, what I hear.
Yes originally I got the Peking to surprise Shantih but she's downsizing. We were going to name it after her sister in law, but I can't remember her name so I keep calling it Shantih ;) it's more te than the hybrid 300's so that's a plus. @chiqita

Friend of mine just posted this on FaceBook. It's a peahen hanging with the wild turkeys up in Marin.

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