California - Northern

I do hope "Jefferson" stays CA only because my company's retirement insurance would be changed for me if I were to move to another state. I keep my SoCal residence for insurance reasons and claim our Modoc property as vacation property.

My mother lived in Alturas for 50 years until her death last year. It is a long way from everywhere. 400+ miles for me to go and visit. Kern
My eggs for Frieda arrived at the Crescent City post office this morning!

We're in Sacramento until Monday:he (I waved at Woodland as we went by yesterday;) )
We were in Sacramento yesterday,too. Who knows we could have passed each others paths and not even known it:)

Well, if you were on Norwood by the T&Y Market and saw the white and blue canopies, that's what we were down there for.
My mother lived in Alturas for 50 years until her death last year. It is a long way from everywhere. 400+ miles for me to go and visit. Kern

Alturas is like walking back in time through a Time Machine when people were sane, courteous, and friendly. Too bad some scum element exist though as a California Pines cabin owner had their entire pile of cut firewood stolen. A few spoil it for the masses. Now even in rural areas we have to take security measures we didn't need 50 years ago!
Alturas is like walking back in time through a Time Machine when people were sane, courteous, and friendly. Too bad some scum element exist though as a California Pines cabin owner had their entire pile of cut firewood stolen. A few spoil it for the masses. Now even in rural areas we have to take security measures we didn't need 50 years ago!

I have been to Cal-Pines a few times. Big development and pretty. You are so right about the time machine. My mother taught school up there forever. She was in the hospital for about three weeks, and I was befriended by so many people. Un-employment is a real problem up there. Kern
a question. If I were to worm my chickens with liquid safeguard at 1/2 cc per full size chicken, I am to discard eggs for 2weeks. Can I feed those eggs to my dogs? I worm them with the same product. ..
Question #2
Where is the cheapest place to get meal worms.?
I don't know if this is the cheapest, but I guess you can compare the answers you get to your question.

These are mealworms grown in the US (Florida) and not imported from China.
Please observe that for the smaller quantities, the packaging is a significant part of the total cost.

I also tried the black soldier fly larvae, and can't tell if the chickens have any preference for larvae or worms.
Their shipping is really speedy too, and if you spend $50 or more, shipping is free. I've been buying their mealworms for a few months now, and been most pleased. One time they were out, and I got another product from them, somewhat lower protein, but still very quick service. I like them.
a question. If I were to worm my chickens with liquid safeguard at 1/2 cc per full size chicken, I am to discard eggs for 2weeks. Can I feed those eggs to my dogs? I worm them with the same product. ..

I usually wait to worm my hens when they stop laying eggs. The heat has quashed egg laying so we'll do it before they start again. If I happen to get any eggs I have boiled the few and fed them to the wild birds. I can't see any problem feeding the eggs to the dogs if boiled. Don't know how many chickens you have so maybe don't overdo the eggs to the dogs.

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