California - Northern

elector is more concentrated than the spinosad from Amazon. You will need to adjust the mixture ration accordingly. I found this:

Thank you Ron. I actually did order Elector PSP after researching mites. Ewwww. I think the mites must be the red variety as there aren't large build ups of them on the chickens. But the ones I do find crawling on me aren't red, perhaps they're newly hatched ones. I treated a poor Serama chick with some spray on Frontline and red mites came off of the poor thing like crazy. I ended up having to wash the poor thing with Dawn dish soap to get them all off and then blew it dry with a hair dryer. It was horrible.
Thank you Ron. I actually did order Elector PSP after researching mites. Ewwww. I think the mites must be the red variety as there aren't large build ups of them on the chickens. But the ones I do find crawling on me aren't red, perhaps they're newly hatched ones. I treated a poor Serama chick with some spray on Frontline and red mites came off of the poor thing like crazy. I ended up having to wash the poor thing with Dawn dish soap to get them all off and then blew it dry with a hair dryer. It was horrible.

I need to get some of that too. We have crows that hang out around our house & we have had a lot of problems with parasites. I would avoid the frontline though, as chickens are very sensitive to it and it can be toxic to them. Apparently chickens are more sensitive to fipronil than other animals are. Check out this website:
I need to get some of that too. We have crows that hang out around our house & we have had a lot of problems with parasites. I would avoid the frontline though, as chickens are very sensitive to it and it can be toxic to them. Apparently chickens are more sensitive to fipronil than other animals are. Check out this website:
It was an emergency situation just a small amount on a Q-tip. Poor baby was being eaten alive. I got my Elector on this website: it's expensive but it's worth it to me not to get crawly things on my arms ****shudder****
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It was an emergency situation just a small amount on a Q-tip. Poor baby was being eaten alive. I got my Elector on this website: it's expensive but it's worth it to me not to get crawly things on my arms ****shudder****

We had that problem when our hens went broody last Fall. The poor things were being eaten alive by mites & every time we touched the coop the mites would swarm up onto our arms. It was a nightmare! I hope you get rid of your mites soon; they are awful.
We had that problem when our hens went broody last Fall. The poor things were being eaten alive by mites & every time we touched the coop the mites would swarm up onto our arms. It was a nightmare! I hope you get rid of your mites soon; they are awful.
I'm going at them full force tomorrow. No wood, perch or chicken will be left unsprayed lol. I have a broody who is going to be less than thrilled when I pull her off the nest. (no eggs don't worry)
Well the broody buff of my friend hatched out 2 hybrid Pita Roo over Easter Egger chicks and I have to say I was really surprised by the down pattern here

Easter Eggers are wild type down (at least the ones I got were) and this is a typical pita chick

Here are the parents of the hybrids
The father

The two mothers

Now for the cuteness

Chick number 1 most likely from the top mother who has a bit of beard by comparison

And number 2


These 2 chicks are so calm and only just hatched yesterday. Had to take from the mama because the friends coop is not chick friendly felt sad taking her little ones but id rather they be able to grow up. Im hoping they are pullets but have no idea how or when I could tell. Not sure the comb they will have either. They are stinking cute and calm and friendly too.
Cute chicks!!! Most of the female Pita Pinta crosses that I hatched looked like these and ended up being mostly black hens.

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