California - Northern

We have 2 Rhode Island Reds 2 Leghorns and 2 golden comet/sex links.

Lots of eggs from those breeds!
I'll tell you what, friends..... I'm getting pretty annoyed at this California weather this year. For 3 weeks I have been spending all of my free time trying to get my coop built and ready for my 3 week old chicks . I've had some pretty fantastic weather here during the last couple of weeks, and I'm finally to the painting point, and wouldn't you know it, another round of rain is supposed to start up. The forecast in Modesto is showing rain Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday again. How am I supposed to paint my my coop if I can't get at least 2 solid days of fair weather to let the paint dry? My birds aren't getting any younger. LOL I've been having a blast building the thing, but I am ready to see it painted and complete. I don't plan to attach the chicken wire until after the paint. That would be just one more thing to have to paint around.
Nice coop
Day 3 5 chicks. I lost 3. Dont know if they weren't healthy or got smashed. :( I found a double shelled egg. 1/2 of the outer shell was gone so thats how I knew. It was out of the nest and felt cool so I was going to take it away but it was chirping. Oh the delimma. I took remaining outer shell off and put it back under my hen. It hatched this morning. Phew good call. My hen is still sitting on eggs. Next concern is I know at least 2 eggs were stolen from my other hen a week or 2 after the 1st hen started sitting. I guess wait and see how it plays out. 1st time momma hen and it started with her 1st egg ever laid so I think she is doing great. I can pet her and pet the babies when they poke out. Nice hen.
Day 3 5 chicks. I lost 3. Dont know if they weren't healthy or got smashed.
I found a double shelled egg. 1/2 of the outer shell was gone so thats how I knew. It was out of the nest and felt cool so I was going to take it away but it was chirping. Oh the delimma. I took remaining outer shell off and put it back under my hen. It hatched this morning. Phew good call. My hen is still sitting on eggs. Next concern is I know at least 2 eggs were stolen from my other hen a week or 2 after the 1st hen started sitting. I guess wait and see how it plays out. 1st time momma hen and it started with her 1st egg ever laid so I think she is doing great. I can pet her and pet the babies when they poke out. Nice hen.
I'm glad to hear that the double shelled baby made it. That was an interesting predicament.
I have been watching your progress. GOOD JOB! Here is my progress, from a broken down old shed to the chicken castle you see here. I am painting as I go along when it is dry out. My 8 chicks are too small to move in yet, so it gives me time to really "Trick it Out".. all the lumber was already here when I moved here saved me alot of money. Gonna have solar panels, auto door, auto feeder and watering system. And yes I think I'm going chicken crazy! but so what! I'm retired!

I have been watching your progress. GOOD JOB! Here is my progress, from a broken down old shed to the chicken castle you see here. I am painting as I go along when it is dry out. My 8 chicks are too small to move in yet, so it gives me time to really "Trick it Out".. all the lumber was already here when I moved here saved me alot of money. Gonna have solar panels, auto door, auto feeder and watering system. And yes I think I'm going chicken crazy! but so what! I'm retired!:cd
Thats awesome. I don't think I'm going to go as far as adding solar. I got the remainder of the hardware and paint tonight to finish the job and now I'm about $680 into it. Who knows what I might add in the future though. Only time will tell.

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