California - Northern

[COLOR=0000CD]Hi Friends,[/COLOR]
[COLOR=0000CD]I moved from Eureka, Ca to Smartsville, Ca last summer. Smartsville is on highway 20 about 1 hour NE of Sacramento.. I've lived in these calif towns or cities, LA, Ventura, Tulare, Lindsay, Fresno, Salinas, Eureka, and now Smartsville...some of them are so different. Definatly LA is too busy, Eureka can be too wet, and Smartsville can be too hot ;o) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=0000CD]​How to divide this state is anyone's guess but the folks in Humboldt County do think they are definitely in the north ;o)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=0000CD]I have some Black Sex Links and Golden Sex Links. They have been quite productive for the last two years. Are there any poultry groups in this area? There are sure a lot of feed stores ;o) I'd like to meet with friendly local BYC folks[/COLOR]
[COLOR=0000CD]Thanks so much for your insight and knowledge[/COLOR]:D [COLOR=0000CD].[/COLOR]

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Hi all,

Any california Muscovy lovers? I posted over on the free re-homing page but I'm desperate so trying here as well. I found three muscovy's that I think must have been dumped or disliked their old home as they are very people friendly. I had to catch them because they took up residence at our neighbors pond then eventually found their way to his barn and are getting into his horse feed. He is not an animal lover so he was going to shoot them. They also like to hang out at our house which is across a small, but very busy, street from the pond. They were constantly in the way of cars and have almost got hit a number of times. They just don't move for some reason. I absolutely love them- and wish they could have just stayed at the pond-but with the road and the neighbor its' not possible. I don't have the space to keep them-I barely have room for my two (one of whom is permanently injured) and desperately need to find them a home. There is (I think) one male and two females. Poor things are stuck in a small dog run right now (they do have a crate inside). But it's much too small for the three of them. I can't let them out as I don't know they'd let me catch them again. I'm hoping someone will see this and may be able to help. We're in the santa cruz area of California. Thanks!
Hi all,

Any california Muscovy lovers? I posted over on the free re-homing page but I'm desperate so trying here as well. I found three muscovy's that I think must have been dumped or disliked their old home as they are very people friendly. I had to catch them because they took up residence at our neighbors pond then eventually found their way to his barn and are getting into his horse feed. He is not an animal lover so he was going to shoot them. They also like to hang out at our house which is across a small, but very busy, street from the pond. They were constantly in the way of cars and have almost got hit a number of times. They just don't move for some reason. I absolutely love them- and wish they could have just stayed at the pond-but with the road and the neighbor its' not possible. I don't have the space to keep them-I barely have room for my two (one of whom is permanently injured) and desperately need to find them a home. There is (I think) one male and two females. Poor things are stuck in a small dog run right now (they do have a crate inside). But it's much too small for the three of them. I can't let them out as I don't know they'd let me catch them again. I'm hoping someone will see this and may be able to help. We're in the santa cruz area of California. Thanks!
I know someone who might like them and have space for them PM me for the contact Info
My fiance is interested in getting a rabbit to live in our run with the chickens. Do any of you guys have any experience with this. I would be interested in whatever advice you have. my run is roughly 5 feet wide by 15 feet long and has only 4 chickens.
My fiance is interested in getting a rabbit to live in our run with the chickens. Do any of you guys have any experience with this. I would be interested in whatever advice you have. my run is roughly 5 feet wide by 15 feet long and has only 4 chickens.

I've seen a spacious run with chickens and a couple full-size rabbits -- the rabbits got annoyed and chased the chickens. If you have laying hens they might be stressed at being chased by an annoyed bunny. Your choice.
I've seen a spacious run with chickens and a couple full-size rabbits -- the rabbits got annoyed and chased the chickens.  If you have laying hens they might be stressed at being chased by an annoyed bunny.  Your choice.

Maybe free range. Not sure how it go in a coop together. Bunnys can be temperamental and chickens like to peck and can become dominant. I'd worry they might hurt each other at some point.

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