California - Northern

I'm from the East Bay, Danville. Nor Cal for sure....
Okay Northern....Southern....the great debate!!! I grew up in Southern California and Now live in what I consider Northern California (about 1/2 way in between Eureka and San Fran) and I have to say North and South are very Different.

Okay now that that is settled (ha, ha) I am new to this Chicken craze (loving it but didn't see many chickens growing up in so cal). Well my heart is breaking because the original batch of chicks we picked out and have grown very attached to has one Roo in it. Right now he barely clucks so its okay but I have to find him a home since city ordinances says no Roos!
Anyone know where I might find this little guy a home? So far he is a sweet little thing (he'll eat out of your hand and come right up to you). I posted a post on this cite on the chicks for sale or trade but no hits so I am hoping maybe someone has an Idea. I really want to find a good home for him.

Any info will be much appriciated!
We are in Kelseyville (Lake County). Picking up our chickies on Friday.....can't wait to get started!

Anyone else here in Lake County? I see a Ukiahian.

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Ok, I grew up in Mendocino County. My folks are still there. I am headed back in two weeks for a quick visit. Anywhere around there nowadays sell chicks? Going to get them set up with a few while I am there.


You mentioned "Willits"!

You get a gold star for knowing of our existence. Native Willits resident, here. Even having spent the last eight years in various overseas locations around the world... Willits is home.

And DEFINITELY northern CA. Anything south of Cloverdale is not northern CA, IMHO.

Being from Petaluma originaly I say that anything below the Bay Area is getting into Central Ca.And being from Chickaluma it's only proper to have my chooks now.
Now I'm really Nor Cal living up by Mt.Lassen in Old Station.It sucks it's a 4-5 home and can't get back as much as I'd like because of my Dad and the chookies and dogs.Though now we get a white Christmas and get to have birds!Just really have to watch out for those wiley coyotes,they got 1 cat in the first few months up here!
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Thanks! We are getting them tomorrow and we can hardly wait! Trying to decide between 3 or 5. LOL We cant really have more than 5 so i'm thinking of getting 3 and then when the desire for MORE comes we can get another 2.

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