California - Northern

Hi to you Dragonfly Ranch.
Hey if you need any birds I got some.
Got one to many banty roos and 2 pair of BLR Wyandottes I don't need anymore.Gotta cut my numbers were havin a few picking issues from overcrowding.
Thanks for the offer but we only have room for our 10 right now. But I have already planted the seed with my husband that he might be building another coop. But I'll keep you in mind when we need more.

Anybody's house still above water?

We were DUMPED on today! All my basement waterproofing efforts are being severely tested! We've had like 3 inches dumped on us... doesn't seem like a lot, but the ground became quickly saturated and now we've got HUGE lakes around our house.

Well, maybe April will be able to copy what Alana did 3 years ago (this is the lake that develops when we get a lot of rain)

Hope everyone else around here is doing okay. Wish it all could just turn into snowpack so we wouldn't have any drought issues this year.
How funny! loved the "sandbox boat" What a storm huh!! I went out in the afternoon for an appointment, needless to say I should have cancelled and stay warm and DRY at home.
Well we've had a break over the past hour, so we all went outside to play in the puddles... well, the rock hard clay soil turned into the most gooey mud you ever saw and we sunk down about a foot into the mud. Just enough for an adult to loose a shoe, but up to the knees of a 3 year old... she was terrified!

The 6 year old had a blast and lost her shoes about 4 times.

Couldn't find the camera fast enough so we were stuck with the crummy camera phone pics:

We had 55 mph winds here and rain coming in sideways from the South. Chicken coop did pretty good for the most part (our first really big storm for it). Have a leak where the hinges are for the outside nesting box. Had put some plastic over it this weekend but apparently not enough. So added another BIG piece higher up on the outside wall so hope it stops it. Hens had to lay eggs in soaking wet nesting boxes. Cleaned all out and put in new dry shavings. It is such a bummer when you have to work full time and can't be home to keep up with things.

We have a very large BBQ and the wind blew it around on the deck like a toy. I can hardly move the BBQ by myself, but Mother Nature has her ways. Hope everyone else was safe and dry.

Thanks, Nifty! I got your email reminder, and saw this thread. Now, I have to figure out where to store all the extra feed, shavings, DE, oyster shell, BOSS, etc, etc.

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