California - Northern

Hi Everyone

I live in Point Reyes Station in the Bay Area and just got into chickens with 6 chicks back in May. One of them has turned out to be a rooster and I was wondering what to do with him. Would anyone like a sweet silver laced wyandotte young rooster? He is 5 months old and has just started crowing. I will deliver him anywhere in the Bay Area. I hope this is the right pace to post this!

Thanks very much.
I'm cross posting, but as the owner, I can do it!

I'm going to be interviewed for a national TV show to talk about raising backyard chickens. They would like to have a third person (any location will be ok) that brings their chickens into the house from time to time.

You don't have to be diapered chickens that live inside 24/7, but maybe they come in and hang out a couple times a week or even during the day.

If you, or anybody you know wants to be involved, please PM me ASAP!!!
Hi Cora! Welcome!

I'm in Healdsburg and we come down to the coast a lot--my hubby likes to kayak down by you. Good luck with your little roo. Call Western Farm in Santa Rosa and see if they will take him if all else fails.

Hey guys, I used to live there, just loaded up my chickens and bunnies and drove up here and that was it.
Opened the door of the van and let them all when it got dark I had a heck of a time getting all my girls in a big rabbit cage for the night...still have all DH's family and Dad has Pheasant Fram in Lake County...Daughter in Healdsburg, 2 in Santa Rosa, and 1 in San Francisco...BYE!!
OK.....this is a long shot, but i'm going to try anyway! LOL

About 2 months ago we gave notice on our house (we rent), we found a lovely little ranch that we could rent. Happy days, right? Well, so far not exactly. The person moving out decided on his 29th day that he wasn't leaving. <heavy sigh> So we are in temporary housing until we can get on the ranch. The only problem is we had to sign a 6 month lease and the owners don't want chickens here. We have had our girls (6) at a friends house but we have to move them because he only wanted them there very temporarily. So, all this to say........we live in LAKE COUNTY, we are DESPERATELY looking for a TEMP home for our girls. We will be 100% responsible to take care of them. We will build a little coop for them, and respect your space. Our contract at our temp house is up April 30, 2011. We are DESPERATE as we are very attached to our babies. The only alternative would be to get rid of them and well, we can't bare to even think about it.

If you can lend us a little corner of your property, or if you know someone who might be willing, we would be so grateful to you. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] My husband is a mechanic by trade, if payment is needed we would be happy to barter!

I know, it's a long shot, but it's worth a try! LOL

Hi Bobbi,
Jeesh, what a sad situation. Hope you have found a place for your girls by now. If not, please try posting on Craiglist as well. I see a lot of posts for Lake County there, especially in the Farm and Garden section.
Good luck,
Dawn in Healdsburg (too far, I'm afraid...)
Hi all of you-I was born in San Jose and my Dad grew up in Sutter Creek, I spent so much of my childhood and part of my adult life there at my Grandparents- so I still go there as often as I can. I really wish I could get back out there-Kansas is nice but its not California, we all still consider ourselves as Northern Californians even though we have been stuck here for so long. Now everyone gets to have chickens etc in the city's and thats not fair lol (just joking) most of the city's here still wont allow them-that why I live where I do. If I could ever sell this house and get a job out there, I would pack all of us up and head on out
Hi there fellow Californians. I would like to encourage everyone to put your mark on where you live in Cali. There is a "sticky" in this topic already. It will be interesting for everyone to see who is near you. It's catching on. Dont be left out!!!

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