California - Northern

Does anyone have or know of someone who does, cream legbar eggs for sale? I will be heading up to northern Ca and would like to try and pick somE hatching eggs if possible. Thanks!
On a single comb bird, by three weeks of age, there shouldn't be any question. Just post photos.

Ok I will get some pics and share. I saw some Marans that looked like my cockerels- red combs, bigger than the others and some wattles starting to come in. The Orps have me stumped! My first bunch of 4 Orps by week 3- the cockerel had no tail (still does not) but stands up right, has a small pink comb and some small pink wattles and was doing a lot of chest bumping. The pullets are slightly larger, not much comb just tiny little peach colored bumps and they do not stand upright. I'll get pics though. I had set aside 4 that I felt were surely cockerels- but I am positive there are more. whew!
toasty out. Chicks enjoying a cool treat. Hope everyone's feathery friends are beating the heat!

If it doesn't make sense - I blame autocorrect. Sent from my sweet iPhone 4s.
That Orpington on the right and the Marans next to him are cockerels. The other Orps look like pullets from here, and I can't see the other Marans very well (but you said you had two cockerels of that breed, right?)
Do you guys all know we are having a Chickenstock Party at The Omelet Ranch in Clayton CA (SF east bay) next Sunday July 15th?

You all are invited. Just PM me your email address so we can get you details.
toasty out. Chicks enjoying a cool treat. Hope everyone's feathery friends are beating the heat!
If it doesn't make sense - I blame autocorrect. Sent from my sweet iPhone 4s.
My Basque's were panting and laying with their wings out today. I felt so bad for them! We're getting a mister tomorrow.
Love that Crele Pendesenca rooster COOPER12
His color is similar to the Golden Cuckoo Marans, which is on my list of must haves.

Here is a picture of my BLRW Rooster and 5 wk old BLRW chicks. Momma started laying again and wasn't being a good mom with sharing food so she got put back with the other chickens and dad took over
3 of the rooster chicks are available

Anyone for Bantam Polish (I think mostly girls~ 4 wks old) or 3 eight wk old pullets from my buff Ameraucana project to improve egg color? Full sisters lay a turquoise egg! You can see my ad and more pictures under "Chickens 1 week to 8 weeks old" on BYC.

I love the one in the second picture! And those eggs?!! Ohhhhlala! I'm not too interested in colored eggs but those turquoise eggs make me reconsider!
Got home late last night from Spain! Whew that was a long trip home! Picked up all of our animals and brought them home. Man I missed them all! I think our dogs had forgot about the chickens because when we let the Basques out of their coop today, our big dog was so scared of them and tried to get on our laps! Lol I got my new Basque pullet today from Ron. Nervous about introducing her tonight to my original crew. She's bigger than my other girls! I took some pics of the original group of Basques today.

She doesn't have a name yet:

This our rooster we named Chema (pronounced like gem-ah but with a ch sound instead of the g.) We named him after a Basque restaurant owner we know in Spain!:

This is Blue. I love her feathering. It looks like someone painted them!:

I'm so glad to be home!
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