California - Northern

Idea for heat relief for chickens:
I don't know if everyone already does this but I collected a bunch of 2 Liter bottles and filled them up about 3/4s full of water. Put them in my freezer overnight and around 1-2 pm I bring them up out and make a biiig bottle bed by fitting them all together. I was worried the chickens wouldn't figure it out but actually they did! They all climbed on top of the bottle nest to cool off in the shade. Reduced their panting a lot! I had put a roost bar in their yard and saw they were hanging out on it (it's like 6 inches above the ground)- so today I am going to put the bottles underneath the roost bar so the cool air can rise and try that. They were kind slipping around on the ice bed before. So maybe this helps. My next experiment if possible- an old thin sheet on top of the bottles so their feet can grip but the coolness can get through the thin sheet. The chickens really liked huddling on it yesterday without the sheet!
Great idea! I've been using gallon jugs, but they're too big. I think I'll try the smaller bottles.

it's 100 down here, expecting to get to 103.
We're at 99 already, supposed to get to 106. I've got a sprinkler going for the birds and the pigs. The dogs are funny, and not particularly fond of baths normally. But right now they're lining up to be rinsed off several times a day!
We're at 99 already, supposed to get to 106. I've got a sprinkler going for the birds and the pigs. The dogs are funny, and not particularly fond of baths normally. But right now they're lining up to be rinsed off several times a day!

My hound is doing the same thing. It is usually a struggle to bathe him. Now he just waits by the faucet. Plus he has been going into the chicken pens and sitting in their mud puddles I make for them.

Are you going to Cheryl's Sunday?
Didn't realize you had a hound. What kind? Do you hunt him?

No, I begged off from Cheryl's. I'm still paranoid about bringing things home, so limiting my own exposure to other poultry operations is part of that. Not that I think there would be anything there, just my new policy. I will probably not show once I get my flock re-established either.
It didn't even occur to me to even try this- but we have a 5 week old BC Marans (where bought all our chicks) cockerel. We've had him since he was a couple days old. He is a very very sweet guy. My kids have managed to get themselves attached to him (I have not, trying to keep my distance). I personally have no issues processing him (yet. but it's getting harder when I see how much they love on him)...if anyone wants him near the Redding area- I would love to re-home him this guy. Would happily accept a small donation of money to go towards feed or actual flock raiser/feed or something in exchange. Also happy to show pictures. I don't think he will be APA standard for the breed because he is already showing copper on his neck but I can tell he is going to be gorgeous if you love that rich copper color and don't care about strict APA BCM standards. I am fairly ignorant on the standards. If interested just PM me. We can talk about it.

About him: not skittish. very calm. easy to catch. doesn't mind being snuggled (he doesn't protest i mean). he has never pecked at the kids. not even the 3 yo. and the orps we have do get pecky ( not mean pecky- more a curious pecky). My other Marans cockerel is sweet too but the kids latched on to Copper because of his well...copperness. lol
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Didn't realize you had a hound. What kind? Do you hunt him?
No, I begged off from Cheryl's. I'm still paranoid about bringing things home, so limiting my own exposure to other poultry operations is part of that. Not that I think there would be anything there, just my new policy. I will probably not show once I get my flock re-established either.
It was because of your heartbreaking story that I told my kids they would not be allowed to chickens in 4-H. The fair and what they could bring back scares me. My son wants to do goats so hopefully thats better. I want him to do 4-H but now I'm scared of dragging something back to my healthy flock.
Welcome to the Northern CA thread

New to this post! We are in Auburn, CA. Planning a new garden/chicken coop area ourselves.

As for the original question. I have lived here all my life grew up in Chula Vista, CA which is 10 miles from the CA/MX border. So I know So. Cal. LOL I now live here in Auburn and consider the state to be divided in two sections Nor Cal and So Cal. My Nor Cal starts (if driving up from So Cal) in the Fresno Area all the way up to Oregon. It's just a random thought and line that my Hubby and I have in our heads. We drive the state about 6 times a year. North of Fresno seems like a decent location.

Here is a site that shares my opinion not that it is correct or anything. LOL
It was because of your heartbreaking story that I told my kids they would not be allowed to chickens in 4-H. The fair and what they could bring back scares me. My son wants to do goats so hopefully thats better. I want him to do 4-H but now I'm scared of dragging something back to my healthy flock.
I've been doing 4H for 7 years, and that includes chickens. It is scary when I bring my chickens to poultry shows/fairs because of security reasons (people eyeing my roo's) and resistance to disease. Most fairs do check-ups these days, to make sure everyone's birds are healthy- before entering the fairgrounds.

Out of all the chickens I brought to shows, it's only stress that gets to them.
I know at some poultry shows kids can just sign up right there for showmanship and don't have to enter their birds into the real show. I did that several times. I think your kids should at least do showmanship. Smaller fairs/poultry shows are less likely to have a outbreak of disease, and it's not as much stress for your chicken(s).

Didn't realize you had a hound. What kind? Do you hunt him?
No, I begged off from Cheryl's. I'm still paranoid about bringing things home, so limiting my own exposure to other poultry operations is part of that. Not that I think there would be anything there, just my new policy. I will probably not show once I get my flock re-established either.

He's a Catahoula/Plott Hound mix. "Chandler Bing" aka "Chandy" His sire was a very good working cowdog (Catahoula) so that is why I ended up with him. HE doesn't work cattle though and I don't hunt (his dam was a good pig dog though). Chandy is an avid vole, mouse and rabbit hunter along with being a prize-winning couch potato. That is actually not completely true, he really is an outstanding guard dog for my poultry and for me. He is very gentle with the birds and very protective of me and the property. He has chased off several coyotes and is really good about herding the straggler hens in after they've been out running around. He's my chicken buddy. Do you still have any of your hounds?

I don't blame you about being leery of going to poultry events. I am still tossing the showing idea around as well. I am thinking of possibly putting some showbird pens/coops on the farthest part of the property away from my breeding/laying pens and having them forever separated. I already have some quarantine/hospital coops set up, but these would be in addition and placed in an even different location. I am already not bringing any live birds back on the property, hatching eggs instead. But showing does still interest me so I'll have to keep pondering it and weighing the risks vs any benefits besides the fact that I want to do it.

I was looking forward to seeing you, we'll have to make some plans for a get-together soon with no birds
Quote: X2

Let them show the chickens. It's too early to tell what quality your Marans are. You have to wait a year or so to tell. They came from SQ Stock.

Quarantine them after the show for two weeks. Wash your hands between working with the quarantined chickens and the others.

Entering into the Fair is a great experience, especially the 4-H fair that only has local 4-H kids.

I won lots of ribbons at the Tehama County Fair when I was in 4-H(not showing animals--Wildlife, cooking and electronics). I entered several things a year and won a couple of best of shows.


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