California - Northern

I don't know why people think they can tell you what to do on your own property. Are you legally able to keep chickens? If so then tell him that the last time you looked at the title to your property, his name wasn't on it.
thanks all for the advice -- i'll just keep being patient with them & bringing food...

unfortunately my next-door neighbor, who will have a (fairly distant) view of the (2/3 built, still empty) coop, is totally freaking out, accusing me of ruining his view and devaluing his property. very frustrating.

It was because of your heartbreaking story that I told my kids they would not be allowed to chickens in 4-H. The fair and what they could bring back scares me. My son wants to do goats so hopefully thats better. I want him to do 4-H but now I'm scared of dragging something back to my healthy flock.

I hate to hear that. My son learned so much from 4-H, and it was such a good experience overall. He's moved on to High School now, and I think he's done with it, but if he's not, we'll still do it. We'll just do a better job of disinfecting our feet and equipment, and keep the show birds quarantined. Ours actually were, and were the only ones to survive without getting the virus, ironically. So I think it was our feet, not the birds.

He's a Catahoula/Plott Hound mix.  "Chandler Bing" aka "Chandy"  His sire was a very good working cowdog (Catahoula) so that is why I ended up with him.  **snip ** Do you still have any of your hounds

OK, now that you mention his breed, I do remember that you talked about him! No, I don't have my pack any more, which may have been accidentally fortunate, as there's pending legislation to ban bear and bobcat hunting with hounds in California. I do have a German Shorthair now, and he's been fantastic. I've been training him with some of my quail, and they just go back in the pen when he's done. A little slobbery and a lot angry, but fine. He's very soft-mouthed. We'll have to meet for lunch or something one of these days!
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Let them show the chickens. It's too early to tell what quality your Marans are. You have to wait a year or so to tell. They came from SQ Stock.

Quarantine them after the show for two weeks. Wash your hands between working with the quarantined chickens and the others.

Entering into the Fair is a great experience, especially the 4-H fair that only has local 4-H kids.

I won lots of ribbons at the Tehama County Fair when I was in 4-H(not showing animals--Wildlife, cooking and electronics). I entered several things a year and won a couple of best of shows.


And if you buy them from a breeder, they're most likely to be immune to common diseases.

Kids love getting ribbons (I still dig em too). 4H gives kids a lot of confidence in public speaking also. (I'm excited to be the Jr. Fair Awards M/C this year)
I admit ignorance in 4-H. Have never participated. This would be my first experience. We cannot join until summer is over. I am not even sure how it all works. If my son has to join and buy a baby animal them raise it or how that even works. Really clueless. Former city girl here.

If it doesn't make sense - I blame autocorrect. Sent from my sweet iPhone 4s.
There is a lot of stuff the kids can do without ever touching an animal. Poultry wasn't even one of my son's first projects. Shooting Sports was actually the one he stuck with the longest, but there's photography, public speaking, sewing, woodworking; all sorts of stuff.
I printed off a whole bunch of things! My 8 yo is drooling over the rocket project. :D My 10 yo is eyeballing the shooting big time.

If it doesn't make sense - I blame autocorrect. Sent from my sweet iPhone 4s.
I can't speak highly enough for 4-H. My son was in from 8-19 (until he aged out). He showed poultry, rabbits, dogs, cavies, sheep & hogs. He also participated in ceramics and a couple of other non-livestock projects. 4-H consumed our lives for 10+ years. I ended up being a leader, resource leader & community leader. He served in every position available to him. He was the national winner for recordbooks in the rabbit project. He now can speak to anyone and 4-H opened so many doors to him.

I'm still involved with 4-H, working and volunteering at the State Fair. In fact about ten days from now I will be judging the dog portion of Master Showmanship at the State Fair.

4-H, just do it!

4-H, just do it!


I can't agree more. I LOVED my years in 4-H. I was in it from age 8-17 and was in FFA from 13-19. They are two of the best organizations a kid can belong to. I am still involved in both as an adult and wouldn't have it any other way. The best thing is that they aren't just for kids with animals, they have projects and interests for all.
Thanks guys! We were pretty set on doing something. I wasn't sure what yet and didn't realize there were other things than animals either. My boys are REALLY excited when they read the list and animals were a small portion. My one son loves reptiles especially so he was excited to see that. :)

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