California - Northern

This is my first breed with a Rose comb but based on the size and color of the comb; almost absent pale to yellow wattles; the shape of the body and the size of the feet; nice gold lacing without being covered up by black hackle feathers at almost 7 weeks I think its a girl. I just don't want to jinx it and get a secret rooster....

This is great example of why breeders should update their web pages. I checked the website @ die Fly Ranch and MF Leghorns was listed as one of their Breeds. I was a bit suspicious when I clicked on the link and got a 404 error...should have known. I am sure it's my own fault since I don't do facebook. We have moved on from websites to Social Media so those types of technologies(oh probably shouldn't point out that Facebook and Twitter are technology) are more likely to be updated regularly in this busy world of ours. (My apologies to Shannon-
I do not mean this as an insult to you--I like your website)

If you find MF Leghorns let me know. I have a vague notion that you can breed these to the Cream Legbars and get something really Special out of them. I would Probably need to use brown leghorns and I need to research what the genetics would do to auto sexing, but if after the third generation I can get Autosexing back and bigger eggs with a higher laying rate that would be awesome.
Babies are cute Universally!

Thanks for the pictures of them.

Regarding the respiratory stuff, I too wonder how you can keep your chickens from getting these things if you let them out. Even in town we have birds and vermin around the chickens and even in the coop if the door is open. I would rather let them enjoy being chickens instead of locking them up like a factory bird. Just my own opinion.

A couple of months ago I heard one of my Hens sneeze. She should be soup? Seriously though, I hope I never have to make decisions like this.

no one seems to have them. omelet ranch is out too
Hello All! I'm new and I love this forum! I live in the Central Valley and we have 6 hens. We are moving next week and are trying to whip up a new coop out of repuprosed/recycled/upcycled materials. I really love the positive atmosphere here - so great!
Welcome to the Northern California thread!
I love it!! Sewing impaired myself- I'd totally buy one!

I love this idea - we wear aprons at the wildlife hospital for this very reason, and I have often thought of using one at home for chicken chores but have a hard time even threading a needle muchless making something like this! Sign me up when you start selling them.
Thank you for the encouragement. Sewing is another passion for me. I'm on the hunt for cheap old jeans-LOL!

Another idea I had was to have people send me "their" old jeans and I could turn them into something useful again. It might be a nice, fun and personal touch.

I want to make some with the back side of the jeans...with the 2 big pockets in front and maybe a contrasting ruffle for cuteness. But, mainly I like using the denim because it is heavy duty and the dirt (and poo) can usually be brushed off when dry or spot cleaned. I'll make up some masculine, "guy" aprons too. I picture some "Levi's" with a bandana hanging out the bib pocket. I'll keep you all posted as I design, revise, and make more aprons.
Kim, how big do those Guinea hogs get? I raise a hog or two every couple of years for meat (I have two right now). Sometimes I do lambs instead.

Tankgirl, and Mamahen5, welcome! I grew up in Livermore and live in the Central Valley now, so I know where both of you are coming from!
PDZ is a zeolite blah blah (all I can recall of the tech part) but basically it neutralizes ammonia. So people like to sprinkle a layer under their usual bedding and it cuts down tremendously sometimes completely on odor in coops, stalls, pens, etc. It's safe to compost, ok for chickens to consume or dust bathe in...I have read a TON of good stuff on this. So I want to try it in my coop using poop boards under my roosts.
Ahhhh I get it! Might have to try that. Does anyone know if PDZ can be used in place of diatomaceous earth (as far as mite/lice repellent?)

I love it! I check here before FB now!!
X2. LOL I love this thread!

Does anyone else end up changing their clothes several times a day because you "had" to pick up a chicken.....or 2.....or 10?

I can't resist holding my silkies.
Who wouldn't when the sweetest, cuddliest, little fuzzy-butts all come running to you every time you go outside! I also have to pick up my EE's and little Welsummer every chance I get. The LF don't appreciate hugs like they used to, unfortunately. Anyway, I made a solution to my predicament. I recycled some of my husbands and sons old jeans and made a durable "chicken holding apron"! It protects my clothes from their claws and poopy feet. Before I go in the house, I shake it off and hang it up.

Mysty Blue isn't cooperating for the picture, but I'm loving wearing this apron. I'm thinking about making up a bunch and selling them someday.
Cute! I'm crafty but sewing eludes me. My boyfriend and I keep saying we need some coveralls or something. I never feel "clean" after holding my chickens and being in their space!

I spent an hour watching Chicken TV after work today. The Silvered Penciled Plymouth Rocks and Basque's are getting along so well! It's fun to watch their personalities come out now that everyone is settled in! I laughed out loud at their antics a couple of times...only to realize later that my neighbors must think I'm nuts. That thought was shortly followed by, "Oh great, I'M a crazy chicken lady now?!" lol

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