Call and East Indie Prices?


6 Years
Mar 14, 2013
What is price for pairs of East Indie and Call Ducks? I saw a pair of Indies at a local sale for $30. Do the prices go up in the spring?(when I plan to buy my ducks)
Hi! Although I don't have the information you want, I wanted to say hello and suggest you might try posting on the Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread.

The forum seems kinda quiet this weekend.
Prices will vary widely depending upon your area and the quality of the birds. In my area 30 dollars for a pair would be quite reasonable.
That sounds quite reasonable we paid $25.00 for one pair and paid $50.00 for another, but also paid $50.00 for single bird as well. I would expect to pay anywhere from 25-100.00 for a nice pair of East Indies depending on breeder and show and around 20-50.00 a bird for Calls. Our first Grays came from the late Mr. Don Krahe, and only paid 15.00 a bird. He said they were low end breeder quality at the time we bought them but when we hatched from them the next Spring we produced a spectacular drake that ended up as champion waterfowl at a modest show the next summer. :)
East indiesEast indies$50 for a pair of call ducks seems like a ok kind of price i m going to be paying $90 this year for a pair i don't know about the East indies but i do know i want some

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