Call Duck Behavior


Crossing the Road
10 Years
May 22, 2012
I have 4 call ducks right now, but I'm fairly new to this breed. Two of them are a little over 12 weeks and the other two are close to 5 weeks old. I just have some questions about calls typical social behaviors, for example do they have to have a mate? They're in a flock with 21 other adult female ducks and a Black East Indies that is also close to 5 weeks that I believe is a young drake, but not 100%. Out of the call ducks I have two definite hens and one definite drake, and the other one I'm leaning towards hen. They get along really well with my other ducks, most of which are full size. So, I guess my main question is do calls have to have a mate even when their in a large flock?

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