Call Duck Eggs: Artifical Versus Natural Incubation

So far so good...24 eggs on the bottom shelf, 21 eggs on the middle shelf of the GQF and the bottom is due to start pipping this this time, all 45 embryos are viable, though there are a few that are seeming a bit sluggish on the bottom under the candler and I anticipate a few may quit on me before hatching time. So we'll see. The ones I set several days ago in the Humidaire downstairs, some 32 of them, are too early to candle just yet. And I should have 10+ for the next setting...not sure what's going on with my ducks, they seem a bit off since I separated them out into their individual groups. I suspect my whites are considering molting with the warm weather we have had here, in the 70s. Most eggs I've had in a day since then is 4 out of the 8 hens.

Where did yours originate from? Any particular line?

Molting? This time of year? Thats strange?

My white line is mostly Hodum, though I do have a pair from Foley's with Lundgren lines. My grays are LaGesse and two pair from Foley's, one duck of which is Mays' line. Self-blacks are from Foley's and Gregory's line. I also just got a trio of butterscotch that are out of Fuller's, Phelps' and McCallister's lines.

The molt kind of does not surprise me, especially for the whites...someone told me I could expect that since they have been laying intermittently since November and went nuts with laying in early February. They have also just been separated out by color a couple of weeks ago, and they're not real happy about it. The butters that arrived today may or may not continue to lay because of the change, they might decide to molt. But I've got one arrived with them, unbroken in the shipping box with the hens if you can believe that! I called the PO and gave them kudos on that one!
Butters got here in less than 24 hours from West Virginia!
Where did yours originate from? Any particular line?

Molting? This time of year? Thats strange?

My white line is mostly Hodum, though I do have a pair from Foley's with Lundgren lines. My grays are LaGesse and two pair from Foley's, one duck of which is Mays' line. Self-blacks are from Foley's and Gregory's line. I also just got a trio of butterscotch that are out of Fuller's, Phelps' and McCallister's lines.

The molt kind of does not surprise me, especially for the whites...someone told me I could expect that since they have been laying intermittently since November and went nuts with laying in early February. They have also just been separated out by color a couple of weeks ago, and they're not real happy about it. The butters that arrived today may or may not continue to lay because of the change, they might decide to molt. But I've got one arrived with them, unbroken in the shipping box with the hens if you can believe that! I called the PO and gave them kudos on that one!
Butters got here in less than 24 hours from West Virginia!

Sounds like you have quality calls. That egg in the Horizon box must have been a surprise! I've got 12 white call eggs heading this way from Oregon.... Hodum/Lundgren/May lines. I also just set 5 today from Morey lines. I know the Morey line eggs were considerably smaller (and lighter in color) than the eggs my white calls lay. We shall see...
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That egg sure was a surprise!
A most welcome one!

I tried to get the best calls I could...problem is, no one wants to sell their best SQ birds and if they do, you have to be there at a show where they decide to sell them. So I bought the best ones I could find for sale, and am on a couple of waiting lists to see what that turns up. I got into the breeding to try and breed my own tough show contenders since they're so hard to find for sale. So we'll see how it goes. At worst, I really like the way these ducks look, so there's worse things that I could have on the place besides pretty ducks! After almost 20 years of soaking my head in horses, it has worn rather thin, so I am glad to find a different hobby that my husband can actively participate in more. Duck shows are so much more fun than A-rated horse shows! You don't have to follow an animal around all day that is bent on getting itself filthy the minute you turn your back, and you don't have to take out a second mortgage for entry fees...there's actually time to have fun and talk to some people!
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I'm actually working toward the same direction as you. I don't plan to show much though. I'd eventually like to have show worthy stock to breed and sale. In fact, I'm working toward that goal with all my birds: cochin bantams, calls, etc. I've encountered the same problem.... the best quality birds are difficult to come by as they are used in the breeder pens. I'm fortunate to have got these recent eggs from Oregon. I'm on one waiting list as well. But I'm hopeful.

On a side note, I did find me a Marsh Roll-X (RX2) last week for a very reasonable price. I look forward to putting it to good use soon.
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Let us know how that Roll-X works out with your calls, I'd be interested in knowing more about those. I'm rather set against buying a small tabletop incubator but am open to finding out more anyway.

On a side note, we were talking about the ducks molting...I realized today that my parrots are also molting...big time! I hadn't paid close attention to them the last couple of days, and all three, different species, are molting but my Amazon is the heaviest. So I guess it isn't just a duck thing around here!
Oh well, maybe I won't have to worry about molts when the shows start up again for the parrots. I don't remember a year when I have seen this heavy of a molt in any bird I have owned...let's hope this doesn't mean we're in for REALLY hot weather...

ETA: why no shows? I understand they have a nice one down in your direction...? Not your cuppa tea? They are quite fun in my somewhat as-yet limited experience. Lots of people to talk ducks with.
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you have parrots, they are as loud as the call ducks, where do you go when you have a headache....LOL
Mrs. Turbo :

you have parrots, they are as loud as the Call ducks, where do you go when you have a headache....LOL

My Amazon is a LOT louder when she really gets going! She has "squawk" time just about every evening, more if she really wants out of the cage or sees something that makes her really wound up! Sometimes I have to cover the cage if I want to watch TV or she'll have a retort to everything said, LOL...

Luckily, the parrots are downstairs...I have a walkout finished basement and they have their windows by their cages there. I can easily escape the noise by just being upstairs. I actually asked myself one day, which is louder, a parrot or a female Call...definitely the parrot! My African Grey hears the quacking outside and is now doing his imitation of it, though not nearly so loud!​
my mom has a quaker parrot....he is very loud and lives in the living room.
Haha on the parrot being louder....that is crazy. You should teach him to whisper. Come to our house in the winter time when all 150 ducks are in the barn. I couldn't even think when I was in the barn.

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