Call Duck eggs ASAP


12 Years
Nov 30, 2007
San Martin, Ca
I just lost a call duckling and am down to 2 ducklings. Not know if I have a pair I'd like to get some more eggs. I know the season might be over w/ in laying but hoping to find someone that has eggs available.

I am looking for eggs that come from BQ/SQ stock. Don't want eggs from mixed colored pens. Looking for the following colors in this order: white, buffs, butterscotch or pastel. Might consider other colors but the ones I listed are at the top of my listed. Not really interested in Grey (mallard colors), Pied or Magpie colors.

Looking to have eggs shipped as early as next week.

I am also willing to swap call duck eggs for some of my Lavender/Lavender split Ameraucana eggs if that is something you might consider.


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