Call duck eggs... what temp in the bator??


11 Years
Sep 16, 2008
I went to the feed store this afternoon to by chicken feed and the owner let me get 8 call duck eggs out of their pen while i was there...for free! They boys were iridescent black/green and the female was grey maybe, she looked a little funky.

My Problem: I've only incubated duck eggs once (Khaki/Rouen)...we ended up with only 2 babies out of like 12 eggs, I really don't wanna mess up with these ones, I'm sure they're fertile, and the parents were just so cute.

What temperature should the bator be on? i dont have a humidity thing but i usually keep the water pretty full in there anyway, ive had good hatches with chicken eggs, but am still worried and know nothing about hatching duck eggs.

We used to do it all the time when i was younger, but usually only when a momma would hatch some then leave the slow ones behind....even then we only used a light bulb in a shoe box

Any help here would be sooo appreciated. I'm just lost..
thank you so much Sundown! i really appreciate the help, i checked online but couldnt find anything super helpful, i just got them in last night at about 100 degrees.

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