Call Duck info?

ok. someone told me that call ducks were tricky setters. that they might quit the nest if they didn't have a lot of privacy. i'm going to build their little house down by the pond and put them some bedding down in it. if she decides to set, what do i need to know about letting her raise ducklings. is there anything i need to do? Glad for BYC because i can't find accurate information about call ducks online. it's all UK stuff, telling me to feed them seaweed....
When she's raising the ducklings there isn't much you need to do unless she's being a terrible mom. Just make sure they are safe from predators and you will be fine.
Duckling predators will include turtles and fishin the water as well as air and land predators. Call ducks are small enough that they are open to attack from all fronts unfortunately. Be ready and willing to loose them to predation, the, flying off or any number of things if you plan to keep the, housed on a large pond. They chose to not be locked up at night which will make keeping them safe impossible. We house all of ours in raised breeding pens during season and on the ground in flight pens off season.

Currently we are selling off all of our call duck flock, the trios have sold for 100-150 but are SQ proven breeders. Eggs are still collected daily and set in the incubators weekly. Those ducklings who hatch are $25 each and can not be safely shipped as day olds because of their size. They wouldn't be available for shipping until they are 8-12 weeks old.

Not all call ducks are created equal either. Pet quality call ducks won't be the tiny little billed cute ducks you see pictured online. They are still cute, but educate yourself on quality of call ducks available and know what you can expect based on price.

Hodum, Foleys, Jesse Paul to name a few have quality call ducks. There is also a US call duck association where you can read and get good information.
Well, i'm not looking for something SQ. there aren't any shows in MS. so there isn't much point in me getting any sq with the intent to show. There aren't any breeders around here.. at least, not many. so i'm gonna keep on the watch. what do you think about my odds of getting good eggs from Ebay?
Well, i'm not looking for something SQ. there aren't any shows in MS. so there isn't much point in me getting any sq with the intent to show. There aren't any breeders around here.. at least, not many. so i'm gonna keep on the watch. what do you think about my odds of getting good eggs from Ebay?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Call Duck Eggs may be more fragile than standard duck eggs. Also I'm not sure if this is the right time for calls to be laying yet.
Our calls are laying, have been for awhile now. Some up north might not be as well yet due to the cold. The eggs for call ducks are a crap shoot on eBay. You would be better off placing a WTB (wanted to buy) ad here on BYC and not paying the crazy prices eBay eggs can sell for.

There are call duck owner/breeders here in FL, AL, TX, OK, and GA that I can think of just off the top of my head. I know there are others too.
well i've searched high and low.. lol. can't find any around here. and i'd really prefer not to have to order hatching eggs. but i may have to if i want to get what i want. maybe the guy in my area will come through.

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