Call duck with a sort of Cleft Palet??


9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Yelm Washington
I had a duckling hatch a couple days ago with a deformed bill.. Kinda like a cleft palet.. Has anyone seen anything like this before?? Im almost positive the hen was molting at the same time she was laying eggs, so maybe she was deficiant in some ways??

Poor little guy. I've never seen that. Though, I did have a duckling come out with a slight curve to his beak. I hope it doesn't bother him too much and can eat and drink ok. It could be genetics or a fluke thing that happened. I do believe nutritional deficiencies or environmental contaminants could be the cause of beak deformities.
Hes 2 days old now and so far is eating and drinking ok.. I havent seen him have any problems and he seems pretty alert like the others, so im assuming hes getting enough.. The bottom bill is completely there.. just looks like his nostrils never completely finished forming...
I have another from a total different pairing that his top bill is only half there.. I call him Elvis cuz he looks like hes got that lip curl/sneer going on.. He is now almost 2 1/2 months old and is doing great..

Obviously I wont be breeding these guys and any eggs I get will be for eating only...

I just wondered if anyone else that reads here has seen any like this....
Hes 2 days old now and so far is eating and drinking ok.. I havent seen him have any problems and he seems pretty alert like the others, so im assuming hes getting enough.. The bottom bill is completely there.. just looks like his nostrils never completely finished forming...
I have another from a total different pairing that his top bill is only half there.. I call him Elvis cuz he looks like hes got that lip curl/sneer going on.. He is now almost 2 1/2 months old and is doing great..

Obviously I wont be breeding these guys and any eggs I get will be for eating only...

I just wondered if anyone else that reads here has seen any like this....
Well one person had a duck hatch that was REALLY and i mean REALLY messed up. Organs on the ouside he didnt make it long so deformities seem to happen. But if he is eating and drinking fine i wouldnt think on it too much. It could have been multipal things. He looks cute though, have you named him?
I was wondering if your baby call with the messed up bill made it or not? Also did you ever find out the reason behind it?
I had some eggs that were sitting around here for a month, I was gonna toss them tell we lost some of our ducks so I put them in the incubator. All but 3 eggs hatched and 1 died cause it couldn't make it outta the shell. That one had white babie had a deformed bill that looked just like yours
unfortunately call duck bill deformities are common with calls. with shows pushing for smaller and smaller bills and birds I have seen more bill deformities the biggest one I see a lot is one bill longer then the other.
Old post but I have a call duck baby that looks almost identical to that, who hatched 2 days ago. Is there hope for survival?? I have a few other genetic reject chickens (Crooked and Stupid) so I’m willing to do extra stuff to help him out...
As long as it can eat and drink I think it has a good chance. Can you post pictures?

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