Call Duck

Wow! Those ducks are about the cutest little guys I've EVER seen!
I am new here and I really don't know much on this site but I got on it to talk about ducks and meet lots of lovely people. I think I am going to have fun on this site everyday I'm on.
Sorry if I'm talking to much, it's just that I love this site so much!
I've never been on a forum though so I may be a little clumsy on this site but I'll be okay, I came here to talk about my ducks mostly. Some stories about my ducks... Well, I while ago my ram named Nigel rammed my poor female duck while she was stuck in the fence, I loved all my ducks but with all the raccoons and Nigel ramming and other bad things I only have two ducks left! I miss hearing there laugh like noise all the time. But soon I am going to get a big, happy business with call ducks! I am so happy! I love birds so much and from what I hear they love me too, I am called the chicken whisperer and I like every minute of it! And I should tell you that I am not a bird freak- Actually I am.

Here are my new baby Call ducks I got yesterday. The yellow one is 10 days old and the other 2 are 2 weeks old. This is their first time swimming and being on the grass which they loved!!! Anyone know what the yellow one will be for color....a butterscotch perhaps? One is pied with a brown tone, and the other has a blue tone. I am very excited to see what color they will turn out to be and their individual personalities.

...Er...what I mean to say is, them's some nice ducks ya got thar!
I think they MAY all be butterscotch calls exept for the yellow, because every yellow duckling I see turns white and I can't explain how cute they are full grown
. I think that as long as they get time with you and they have clean water and good food and run around they will be happy, healthy, and clean. Exept you better watch out for those raccoons, they almost ate all my poor ducks
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Here are my Call ducks now almost fully feathered. I have my original 3 that I posted pictures earlier, and I bought 3 more. They turned out to be I believe, a blue bibbed, dusky mallard, and a bibbed apricot. My other 3 are a silver, magpie, and another blue bibbed. I am still trying to figure out their sexes and waiting for the wing feathers to show. Any help on sex would be great since none of them are obvious to me except the mallard.

This was their first time in our pond, which they loved!!! We have no fencing or house for them yet, so my husband had to put his waders on to catch them. They are currently sharing the newly built coop with my 16 chicks until we get their run completed. They are so much fun to watch!!
Here are my Call ducks now almost fully feathered. I have my original 3 that I posted pictures earlier, and I bought 3 more. They turned out to be I believe, a blue bibbed, dusky mallard, and a bibbed apricot. My other 3 are a silver, magpie, and another blue bibbed. I am still trying to figure out their sexes and waiting for the wing feathers to show. Any help on sex would be great since none of them are obvious to me except the mallard.

This was their first time in our pond, which they loved!!! We have no fencing or house for them yet, so my husband had to put his waders on to catch them. They are currently sharing the newly built coop with my 16 chicks until we get their run completed. They are so much fun to watch!!

Adorable! bet that was a thing to watch him catching them! mine only have a 40GAL trough and even in that you can have a devil of a time to grab them
Oh My..i didn't mean to make you angry. There are many people who have ducks inside in diapers. I personally wouldn't, I don't judge anyone who does..I just don't have the time..i'm gone all day at work sometimes 12 hours or more..and I travel every Monday overnight so to have one in the house and have to clean his cage and change his diaper is just not something i'm interested in. I do love my ducks though..i like it outside. Also, I have a husky and she's killed a couple of my ducks so I wouldn't be able to do it, she's old though so maybe when she isn't here anymore i could. Good luck with your call..I'm sorry if i made you mad..I wasn't trying to discourage..just giving my opinion.
Oh My..i didn't mean to make you angry. There are many people who have ducks inside in diapers. I personally wouldn't, I don't judge anyone who does..I just don't have the time..i'm gone all day at work sometimes 12 hours or more..and I travel every Monday overnight so to have one in the house and have to clean his cage and change his diaper is just not something i'm interested in. I do love my ducks though..i like it outside. Also, I have a husky and she's killed a couple of my ducks so I wouldn't be able to do it, she's old though so maybe when she isn't here anymore i could. Good luck with your call..I'm sorry if i made you mad..I wasn't trying to discourage..just giving my opinion.

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