Call ducks breeding with Indian Runners??


6 Years
Dec 30, 2013
Trenton, SC
I have Pekin ducks, Call ducks and Chocolate Indian Runners. Right now they are free to swim on the pond and go where they want to. My husband will be separating the Call Ducks and Indian Runners sometime at the end of January to breed. I was told they won't breed until February but they are breeding now. And the part I am most concerned about is the Call Duck is breeding with the Indian Runners. I hate to even look because I get upset that this is happening. My husband works and by the time he gets home he doesn't have time to work outside and fix up the pens.
male ducks will breed with any female duck. weather it is the same breed or not .
just because they are mating does not affect anything if eggs are not being laid.
it takes around 6 weeks of separation for you to ensure pure eggs tho, so keep this in mind.
I wonder if one can breed a runner with call ducks in order to make a smaller runner? Has anyone heard of trying this?
Only by accident...

The ducklings will look very funny... A friend of me. who took some of our call ducklings last year and had runner ducks already had this situation. We have laughed so hard!

Mom is a call and dad a Runner.... So a tiny mom with a big baby! We were surprised this fits in the call egg..
Quality of this image is very low as it's a piece of a screenshot from a whatsapp film.
You see, mom call, dad call (he doesn't expect a thing 😅 ) and the child....

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 20.21.07.png

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