Calling all Bantam Duck Savvy Users: Was sold "new breed" of duck that is supposedly a Snowy Call/Ea


9 Years
Jul 11, 2011
So you see, I've had the little ducks for a while. The guy sold them to me as what I stated in the title and said they were brand new; not even a breed yet, but one that should be accepted into the standard soon. My problem arose when I searched them on the internet and came up with no results whatsoever. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough or in the right places, but I've looked a couple of different times to find nothing on them. I already had an idea that they probably weren't their own breed when I bought them, but I just lost my drake recently, and I'm honestly more upset at the idea of not being able to attain more like him than that I may have been lied to.

They're black ducks, maybe more Call sized than East Indie.
The drake was real long body wise, and had a white, splotchy sort of bib that stretched far down into his breast feathers and splashed up around his bill. He had bright green speculums, pronounced white streaks by each eye, and a bright, shimmering green head.

The hen is almost solid black, has a rounder bib and faint white eye striping. She has a much duller green sheen than he did and only has it in certain spot, and she has a normal shaped bill, but is very tiny (like a Call). She also has speculums, outlined in white.

Do you think I could cross an East Indie and a Snowy Call and get birds that looked like this?
I know little about genetics, so I thought I'd ask here. ouo
That's what I thought too, but the boy was just so long and they really don't have much of a Call conformation,
except the female being relatively small. Here's a pic of them both together when I first got them:

(they look a little rough here I know, but I sadly don't have anything newer)

I know Calls are supposed to be chubby looking, but these guys were real streamlined,
leading me to at least come close to believing the bit about them being part East Indie. o3o

Maybe Bibbed Calls crossed to EIs?
Or maybe even offspring out of Bibbed Calls with less than ideal conformation?

[Edit: OH, and looking at this picture up close again reminds me: They both had feathers under their wings and under their tails similar to that of a Grey Call Hen. You can just barely see it on the drake here.
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