Calling all chicken experts!


6 Years
Oct 31, 2013
Opelika, Alabama
My Coop
My Coop
Well, as new chicken keepers we know pretty much nothing on identifying breeds and sex. We bought our first round of hens and our rooster as young adults. In late summer we let our broody hen sit on four eggs and she hatched three of them. We are pretty sure our rooster is a barnyard mutt. Here is a pic of our Rooster Cogburn.

Here are pics of the three chicks just a few days old and currently at eight weeks.







As far as breeds go, we have a wide variety of hens and we really aren't sure whose eggs our hen sat on. I think the whiter chick might have come from our Delaware, the buff chick from one of our Buff Orphingtons, and the redder chick from our black sex link or perhaps one of our darker Easter Eggers. We really have no clue. Mostly, I'm interested in their sex. Any help, please?
Yes, that rooster is a mix. It’s possible he is a red sex link, but with that mess of colors and patterns I doubt it. He has the silver gene and probably a gold too. He could contribute either red or white.

We really need better photos to be sure. I know they can be camera shy. A closer look at the head and a general body shot showing legs and posture would be helpful.

My feel is that the whitish and darker red are both pullets. It’s hard to tell on the buff one. Could go either way but I’m leaning pullet there too looking at the tail. The legs look a little heavy though.

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