Calling all duck poop experts! Black duck poop!


Jun 8, 2015
Upper Peninsula, MI
I've seen this in the coop here and there, and most of the time when I see it, it's more of a chocolate syrup poop (from what I understand this is normal). Anyway, today I found poop that was syrupy and nearly BLACK. I mixed in some water to check the color of it, and there's no red in it at all so I don't believe it's a blockage or hardware...but I did notice a green hue to it (See photo below)
duck poop.JPG
Every time I've seen this on forums it means the duck is sick. Anyone have any ideas? I have started putting ACV in the water and will do that for a few days to see if it helps. Nobody is looking sick or acting off. Everyone seems to be running around, swimming, and eating normally. Thanks!!!

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