calling all IRISH and Irish descendants

Not sure...but I got my green eyes from somewhere. I was adopted and dont know anything about my bio dad's family. But there isnt anyone in my bio mom's family with green eyes, they all 110% have blue eyes. I dont know what all nationalities have green eyes commonly but I always hoped and dreamed that it was some Irish in me
I don't really have any irish in me to speak of but my husband and kids do! My husband's Mom and aunts used to speak in gaelic around the kids just so they kids wouldn't know what they were talking about.
I found out recently that me great grandfather on my mothers,fathers side came from Ireland. The town of Lusk to be exact and that is the maiden name of her side of the family. Fredric was his name and he married Beatrice Agnes from Wales in Iowa where they met after both immigrated here.
I pine to travel all over Ireland and Britain!

RachaelC mother of all
6 hennies, 3 cats, 2 dogs, pair of finches, DH who makes me so happy and great family.
I believe I have some Irish in my history.

I think I have Irish, Finnish, German, British, etc. (European countries).

Something I learned at a funeral this spring though: My last name is Hogshead (I know, weird name
), and back in the Middle Age times, my ancestors were sword smiths and would dip the swords in hogsheads (measurement, the size of a barrel) to cool the swords. Thought that was something interesting
Irish on my father's side.
I'm 7th generation in the US.
Argue is my maiden name, came from somewhere in Ireland to Canada and down into New York state from there.
PM me if you know more about my history than I do.... Cause I dont know much
I've got Irish from both sides, mainly my Mother's side. O'Hara is the name and my family was from County Kilkenny. My father's side had English & Irish.... I used to watch "Southpark" with my kids, and whenever the kids in the cartoon saw "Kenny" get killed and said "OMG they killed Kenny!" I used to laugh...............
That would make me think of the County in Ireland.

I would love to visit one day.........
Even though my father grew up in Pittsburgh his father was Irish I believe his mother might have been Irish too. I cannot ask anyone as they have all passed on
Another Sullivan here. According to some research grandma and grandpa Sullivan did at one time, apparently that part of the family came from County Monaghan. There is also some Norwegian, Polish peasant, maybe a bit of yeah... I am a 6' tall Shield Maiden with reddish hair who can pull the plow if the horse is feeling a bit too tired.
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Hi I live in a place called rush,co dublin and lusk is the next village to us,you should come over and take a look,its a lovely place with great people and the local beaches are just lovely to:)

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