
6 Years
Mar 19, 2017
I got into knitting a few months ago.
Just wondering if there are any other knitters.
I think it'd be cool if we shared our knitting projects and photos.
Also if you want to start knitting others could help you!
Bye for now
I also just started knitting and crocheting. I somehow wound up inheriting all of my husband's grandmother's yarn & knitting needles & crochet hooks :confused: so I figured- might as well learn how to use these things!! :D I crocheted his Aunt a blanket for Christmas, she still calls me sporadically thanking me for it! I really wish I had taken a pic of it.
Also got my son into it... my boys have always loved doing projects, whether it's down in the barn helping Dad build something or sitting down with Mom & learning how to knit. They just like to be busy! This is my son's first knitting project that he completed. He's 12.

He gave it to his little sister! Her favorite color is red. She loved it!
Also got my son into it... my boys have always loved doing projects, whether it's down in the barn helping Dad build something or sitting down with Mom & learning how to knit. They just like to be busy! This is my son's first knitting project that he completed. He's 12.
View attachment 1241577
He gave it to his little sister! Her favorite color is red. She loved it!
Also got my son into it... my boys have always loved doing projects, whether it's down in the barn helping Dad build something or sitting down with Mom & learning how to knit. They just like to be busy! This is my son's first knitting project that he completed. He's 12.
View attachment 1241577
He gave it to his little sister! Her favorite color is red. She loved it!
Wow! That's amazing hopefully he keeps it up!
I love to do anything crafty I taught myself to knit a while back my mom tried to teach me to crochet but my hands can't handle it cuz I have had arthritis slowly creeping in on me so my hands being in one position for long periods of time has always bothered me knitting is much more comfortable for me. I am currently working on one of those mermaid blankets for my daughter it took me forever to find a pattern for it that wasn't crochet. Unfortunately I have like 20 different projects started cuz I start them and get distracted by another very easily. But I have made a few hats and 1 pair of socks wish I still had them to show.

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