Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

Jason , I was not being critical, just concerned. I do hope it works for you. It can be frustrating trying your best , giving them the best care possible only to lose them to wild or domestic animals or human thieves for that matter. I tend to be overly cautious, that's all. Bill
... Protect a flock they will by sounding a alarm. As far as a rooster killing a hawk I think that is unlikely except maybe one of the breeds you mentioned....
I haven't lost a hen to a hawk since I've had a Pene roo with each flock. Anywhere from 6-12 hens per flock, the hawks approach, roosters call, hens run for cover and roosters stand their ground. Working in a shed last fall I heard the commotion and came out to find a big hawk staggering and the roo slowly walking away. I thought the hawk had taken a hen and was trying to get a grip to carry her off (the hens had already gone in the coop). I realized the rooster had just walloped him and it was a while before the hawk regained his composure enough to fly away. I'm just sorry I didn't witness the impact. Never saw him again but I often wonder how many times this happens when I'm not home. All my birds are out at least part of the day if not all day.

I did lose a rooster about 6 weeks ago in the middle of the day with no trace. The flock was foraging in the field when I left home. Later that day all the hens were there but no roo. I assume he gave himself up to save them but I sure wish I knew what took him.
Jason , I was not being critical, just concerned. I do hope it works for you. It can be frustrating trying your best , giving them the best care possible only to lose them to wild or domestic animals or human thieves for that matter. I tend to be overly cautious, that's all. Bill

no worries. I did not think you where

Quote: I would have loved seeing the Rooster stand up to the hawk!

The Black Penes get the biggest right? That is one of the things I loved about my Dorking Roo. He was a sissy, but he did warn the girls everytime a finch flew over....

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My problem was my empordanesa and icelandic roosters where doing there job but where no match for the hawk. now my breeder roosters of those 2 are gone. oh well lesson learned and i am not as mad as I was. Red tailed hawks here sometimes migrate. They follow are vast populations of migrating ducks , geese and other birds so I think he is gone already.

if you have not seen ducks migrating in California it is a sight..
Hi All!

I let the pullets out of one of my small pens to work on the run after the Pineapple Express rains we had last weekend. It was funny! each time I went out back, she would run quickly to the other side of the yard!

How are partridge pene roos with flock protection? Hoping my dozen pp eggs hatch later this week.
We have 5 french gcm also in the incubator. I definitely want to keep a roo from the pp but not sure about the gcm. The neighbors may not like the crowing but then again I don't care too much for their dogs barking...

Hughey sounds like a great bird. We had a black Jersey Giant but gave him to friends. He then wandered off to their neighbor's flock (they had nicer hens?) Happy Hatching! Are you getting more empordanesa eggs?

Well not the best news. I got one girl out of the 12 pp in the hatch.

Whereas 4 of the 5 fgcm hatched. folks are super!
I am hoping for some good luck. 1 dozen eggs in my friend's bator. 1 dozen more on the way. These are both White Empordanesa and White Empordanesa x crele penedesenca project from another friend on here. Thank you Elias.
Both my crele and my white empordanesa look so ready to lay yet nothing. I have a 2 year old partridge who is coming off a molt and should start soon too.

I got my first egg since my hawk attack today from one of my Icelandic's. she was laying almost daily till the hawk. That was a few weeks back. First egg since today. Which I broke
Can someone tell me if this is a penedesenca hen? She is a stray I took in. She lays smaller white eggs. But the comb looks different, resembles a buttercup comb. Feathering on the head is a slightly unusual too. About 4-5 lbs. Pretty skittish, but getting better. Always hungry. Thoughts?


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