Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

I asked the Animal Control lady if I could shoot them in the trap and she said if I do then she didn't want to know. I thought about putting the heads on pikes all around the perimeter of my property. jk. These are 5 big dogs that are aggressively trying to get at my chickens. 3 visits in the past week. The owners are obviously not able to keep them under control. I am thinking about a crossbow. The Animal Control lady said I can legally shoot them on my property. I told her I was thinking of a crossbow so that the owner would know for sure that his/her dogs were where they weren't supposed to be. Should be easy to see an arrow sticking out it's ***. I wish I knew who the owners are... btw, our chickens are my kids best friends. They are costing me sleep, fencing, and in the past, chickens. Hope Animal Control charges them big time, maybe then they will do better keeping track of their pets.
tough choice. I agree with Elias. One chance then well.
The Missouri law originally from around 1900 was revised just a few years ago and I believe strengthned.
If a dog harasses livestock you can track the dog across the state and kill it wherever you find it except inside a pen on its owners property.

That said, the animal control rank and file freaked out when I told them that so I kept asking to speak with their supervisor. When I reached the top of the food chain there I finally spoke to someone that actually read the law and agreed with me.

I agree that you don't want to start a war with neighbors so I think SSS is the best technique.

Last year there was a case on one of those TV court shows. Someone sued a chicken farmer for killing his dog for a couple thousand dollars. The judge listened to both sides and dismissed the case. The dog owner couldn't believe it. If you ask dog owners across the country, probably 98% wouldn't believe it either.
Here's a TV station video that shows some of my Penes.

I also won the battle and now have a permit for 85 birds including 5 roosters.


That is great!

I am allowed 6 hens. I snuck a rooster in for about 7 months, but I am too close to a park where Animal control officers have lunch and I made the mistake of keeping a Cream Legbar Rooster--noisiest thing ever!

Hens have always been allowed in Woodland. It wold be nice if they would allow a couple of roos too....
Wow!! thanks for that. I wanted to breed creme legbars so I might reconsider.

I freaked out when filling the application for the permit but when I wrote that I had 85 birds and 5 roos they didn't blink an eye.
I probably should have gone for 100
Wow!! thanks for that. I wanted to breed creme legbars so I might reconsider.

I freaked out when filling the application for the permit but when I wrote that I had 85 birds and 5 roos they didn't blink an eye.
I probably should have gone for 100
I hear you though. I am so glad for you that you are allowed to keep your Black Pene's. I will need some good blood to hatch to make my Sand Hill ones nicer

on the Creme Legbar. that cross with the crele penedesenca is awsome. Roosters look so similar. hens not to far off and they throw a nice olive egg


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