Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

Here's a picture of my Hens, hopefully I did this right and the picture will show.


Hi Victoria
The pics are a little small. Can you make them bigger so I can see your girls?

Ok, now I'm curious. I had always believed Penes were a flighty, wild bird. Is this not true? Is one color more calm than another? What about egg color, is one color birds eggs darker than anothers? I was wanting to get some BC Marans eggs to hatch this spring. Are any Penes eggs as dark as Marans? Do they lay better than Marans? My Marans doesn't lay very well but i like the dark brown egg she lays and wanted some more dark brown egg layers.
I wish I knew how to do that, I barely figured out how to get them on the page, I did a copy and paste to get them on the page from the page I uploaded them to on BYC.

I put two of the Wheaten Penedesenca eggs in with some BCM eggs in my incubator. There are 3 light colored eggs in the top right that are neither BCM or WP.
WP eggs are circled in white. The darkest BCM eggs are circled in green.
The lightest BCM eggs are Blue/Black/Splash from Bev Davis line.

The Wheaten Penes compare pretty well I think.

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I just tried to resize them and it wouldn't let me, resize them, I then tried to delete them to try again and I couldn't figure out how to delete them either, I thought if I went back and added them in the 640 size on the upload it may make them bigger, but it wouldn't let me.

I have 6 Hens total, 4 are Black, 1 is Partridge and one is 1/2Black & 1/2Partridge, they all have the appendixes to the backs of their combs and have nice white earlobes and Spurs, one of the Black Hens is banded the guy she came from did trap nests and she is banded because he told me on the Marans color scale she Lays Solid 8's in egg color, so once I do get a cockrel or Rooster I'm breeding her first, right now they are being quarantined in the Cage which I'm sure is the only way I would have gotten a picture of them, one of the Hens got out on me at night when I was feeding and watering in the dark, I was amazed at how fast they are and how far she went in seconds, they are definately Lightning Fast, and I seriously think they must have some night vision, I was able to catch her by blinding her with a Flashlight and a Net. The pictures aren't the greatest but I wanted to post them, I think they are beautiful birds and have a stylish flair even if they are Flighty I like them, definately need to be in a Pen until I get more of them produced and then maybe I will consider letting some of them out to free range, not all of them at once that's for sure.

Hey Victoria

I put about 30 or so Black Penedesenca Eggs in the incubator,
They are due to hatch Feb. 14, 2010.

I have a Black pullet she looks promising she has the nice white earlobes, they almost look like pearls,
She is finally laying I got my 1st egg out of her yesterday.

The older girls are fluctuating on their egg prodiction though, Our crazy Tx weather driving me crazy !!!!!
Somtimes i get 3-4 eggs a day and other 1-0 It keeps getting hot, cold, rainy and dry.
I can't take not knowing if I'm going to get egg out of them the next day.
So I put lights on them, it seems to be working somewhat.

I will call you as soon as your cockerels are ready.
I have Great news these ( MY )Black Penedesencas have no realtions to the penedesencas that were origenally imporetd
about 10 yrs ago. So Lets do some trading ASAP. I'm working on getting the paper work faxed to me,

Please do Keep in touch.

Joshua T,

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