Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

Great Joshua,

Definately look forward to getting cockrels and expanding the gene pool to get more of them produced. I'm anxious to hear how your hatch goes for sure. Definately keep me posted. I'll let you know more on the other ones I found out there. And you know I'm looking for the pure for Black Feather color in them that are producing the correct type for the breed and no mixes with the other feather colors or breeds. I'm getting eggs from one of them this next month if all goes well with egg production and those eggs should be hand delivered, if everything works out. I'm working on getting 3 or 4 different lines of them and will be exchanging with the people I've found so far, so that should definately help and am real anxious to get your cockrels to also work with for sure and will definately be swapping with you.

I have not been looking to hard for new lines , I have been offered a few roosters to put new blood inm, but I am not sure I want to go with a new roo I still can't decide.


Together with the help of a few other breeders we can bring back Black Penedesencas !!!

My Eggs are getting darker every Day.
But the weather is again not improving.
This is really great, seeing youz guyz talking about getting your Pende breeding on.

I don't know yet whether or not I'll be able to have roosters where I am. I sure envy y'all who don't have that issue.

Did anyone guess on the pure for Wheaten chicks? I am guessing Little Cockrel 2 and Little Pullet 1 are the all yellow chicks and pure for Wheaten, I haven't had Wheatens, I have had Wheatens in the Marans and that is what I am basing my guess on for their coloration at the age they are in the pictures. Did anyone else guess on which ones they thought? And does anybody raise the Wheatens to offer a comment? I'm sure that's what she's wanting to know for trying to produce good Wheaten subjects.

And which eggs were which in the Incubator Egg tray? I didn't see the answer to that one yet? And what line of BCMs are they?

The lower right are the Penedesencas. Altho, the ones I just hatched were darker than that.

I don't know the line of BC Marans. I got them from a local gal and she's gonna get back to me on that, she didn't happen to know.

Those Penedes are due on Feb. 10th and the BC Marans are due the 19th along with all those banty Auracanas (those are not mine) to the left of them and the second-generation Olive Eggers to the right.

These are all farm fresh and local, so I'm hoping for good hatches.
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Wow! Thanks for starting this thread! I have always been fascinated by Penedesencas. I ordered some eggs once but none of them hatched. Where did you get your stock? Those eggs look really nice! Are they really as flighty as people say? I may have to try and get some again.
The Hens I have are definately Flighty, much like Leghorns or worse, I still think they are beautiful birds, I also am new to them, and as I'm going I intened to handle the chicks a couple of times a day, I think this will help with them being less flighty, I know the Hens I have were not handled much at all if ever, they were on automatic waterers and feeders and left to roam a large area, so I plan on handling chicks for sure. They are seriously Lightning Fast, as I think they are always wanting to flee, I'm hoping I can get them past that like I did with some Leghorns I had, I started handling them daily at least once a day and it did tone down a good bit of their fears. I'm sure it will take a while as it did with the Leghorns, several months infact of daily handling them for them to get over the fear of me. I've heard others say that some of them raised as chicks with handling that they weren't nearly as flighty as the ones not handled, so I'm hoping to make a difference.

Nice thread... Someone want to share some black penes with me... They didn't survive my climate this winter... I am willing to work with the breed but I need some eggs to hatch... I have one lonely black roo. LMK I am not interested in raising for sale but would just be another holder in case of lost stock... I will set aside a pen for penes... I currently have a black so black would make the most sense.... He is very hearty so hopefully his genetic will pass that on... I will gladly pay for the shipping... thanks
I was so glad to see this thread started. I just got "started " with chickens this fall, with the idea of them being part of a larger picture of sustainability, and permaculture in particular. I wanted heritage breeds, and was able to get some started Chanteclers this fall. When I went to pick them up, I found out that a neighbor of the gentleman I acquired the Chanteclers from had started Penedesencas for sale. I wanted to get more birds, but was definitely leery of the Penedesencas, from the information I had been reading about them. IE, being so flighty and all. However, curiosity got the better of me, and I did bring 2 black Penedesenca girls home with me.

The first couple of days had me wondering if I had done the right thing, because they were definitely wild, wild, wild. However, as time has gone on, they have actually become my favorite birds. There is no way I am going to go and pick them up, but now..... if they are already out of the pen ranging, they are the first to come and get goodies. They are my best layers, and the egg color is just gorgeous. Especially to a newbie. I have a Chantecler roo, and I think these girls are his favorites. They do stick together, but I have noticed that is true for all of my hens. I have 2 of this, and 3 of that, and so on..

I was planning on getting a few more from my original source, in Central Wisconsin, but would appreciate knowing where other stock is as well. We are just learning where we want to go as far as numbers of chickens, and what kinds, but I definitely want to keep Penedesencas in the mix. I know there is no national club as yet, but that sounds like a lot of work. I doubt that I will ever be a "breeder", but won't rule that out just yet.

In the meantime, here is a picture of the girls out in the snow with the rest of the group.


And here is one of them when I first got them. Not the clearest picture.


And, here is a picture of their eggs alongside one of the Chantecler eggs. One hen lays the darker egg, the other a lighter one. They are pretty uniform, altho occasionally, one will be much lighter from the lighter laying hen, and the darker one will sometimes lay a speckled egg. I find it really interesting.


Looking forward to hearing what others have to say about them. Information is almost non-existent. I have been most pleased that they seem to have no problems with the Wisconsin winter, even though this one has been mild in general.

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