Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

i just got off of the phone with the livestock inspecter... i should have my NPIP in about 3 weeks... i could ship you a rooster u pay shipping... if you would ship me a few eggs back a little later... PM me if your interested...
I have just gotten two Pen. Wheaton Pullets, 7 mos. They are a little smaller, kind of thinnish. Is this normal for them? I am very new to this breed and love the rare breeds, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thankfully I have a covered run! I need a Wheaton Roo, or chicks to raise. I am in Canton, anyone in Ohio with Wheatons?


they are a Mediterranean breed so yes the are smaller and not as meaty as say Orpingtons... idk about a breeder in OH ask on the OH thread here and look at the club Website breeders listing... gonna show us some pic's???
This is my first experience with this breed. I purchased eggs from him on ebay. I purchased the mix so I got four of each: Wheaten, Partridge and Empordanza (sp?) eggs. They just finished hatching, keep in mind I'm a novice at hatching and I had some trouble with the temp at the beginning and the humidity at the end
. I ended up with three Partridge and two Wheaten. The other eggs quit early on. I thought I had one more Wheaten that would hatch but when I opened it up today it was not developed (a nice dark egg though).

I'm hoping they will be able to tolerate the cold this coming winter - I love the cayenne pepper idea. Now try not to gasp but has any one in the north ever dubbed the combs on male chicks? I know the game bird folks do but I think that is tradition - I was wondering if anyone ever did that just for health purposes to ward off frostbite.
The cold will dub them for you if frost bite happens. I supplemented their food with a regular dose of Flax oil to help them carry extra wheight into the winter. Seems to maybe have helped. I had less frost bite this yr. I also try to select for the shorter combs if they pop up. Dubbing shouldnt hurt them. You might consider taking a picture of the shape of teh comb and the ends of it for file so if u want to sell them you can show if they had proper extra's on end of comb. Otherwise its just if you want to show them. Frankly less mess at the waterer if they are dubbed and wattles removed. Birds from Jerry Poole can be mixed, his wheatens carry the eb gene so some will hatch as wheatens that carry it, so will have strips but will be a bit blurred on the rump. The ones that are just eb wont have a blur to the stripes on the back. Some carry genes from the Empordanesa. He seems to be advertizeing them as seperate on ebay this yr. Nearly all lines that are out there came from him or someone who got some from someone that got them from him. He has been selling them over 5 yrs now. Any thing he sold a long time ago have less chance of carring the Empordanesa blood as he got those later on. But most have crossed lines and any stock you get may carry unwanted genes that will have to be bred out. The pencilling gene is probably floating in alot of wheaten and blacks because people dont even know what it is and confuse it with the lines in the crele lines. But the crele's carry the pencilling gene also as they are barrring gene with the eb gene ( refered to as partridge) and they can look alike. I purchased so called pure wheaten from two differant sources last yr and both groups were pencilled wheaten, and they supposedly came from differant breeders, other than J. Poole. Pencilled gene still evindently produces a clear chick and just shows in the juvenile feathers that they loose, if they just carry one gene for pencilling. Roosters seem to show it more readily in the first juvenile feathering. Then loose it with the moult. Wheaten hens may only show the pencilling in their secondary flights or show a black lace on the edge of a few of the other wing or back feathers. Nearly all game breeders dubb their birds in the south and they seem to make it and continue to breed. Others worry about the birds ability to take the heat. Evidently they can. Probably would be harder on a heavier breed to cool down. Spare a few and see how they compare in the summer. Last yr I had some that they lost so much off the top, might as well had dubbed them.
Got 10 Partridge chicks from Welp Friday. When I ordered them off their site, it said wheaton, I got my chicks and noticed they were partridge, not wheaton. I looked back on the site and they changed the pic to partridge and changed the description of the chicks. It's ok though, I wanted the breed, not picky on color. I know they probly won't be laying super dark eggs, but I'm hoping most of them have the right comb.
Can't you sex partridge chicks? some have red heads and some have the dark Vs.

Is anyone making a breed page? I noticed there's not one here on BYC, I have looked at feathersites.

How do you pronounce Penedesenca?
Some of those could still be wheaten. Since you have a number of them. The wheatens that carry eb will have the stripes slightly blurred to various degrees. If you dont know about it you may not notice it. If they have a zig zag type marking they also have the columbian gene.
This is also shown with a dot or two on the forhead. Sometime it can be just a small ink spot. If they are just eb then the males are suppose to be the lighter ones But if they carry the other stuff in there then some hens can be light downed with pattern. The zig zag pattern I refer to is like what Campine chicks are marked like. You can few the chicks at to see how the stripeing is differant from the chipmunk stripes. Alot of people report their eb lay a darker egg than the wheaten. Mine are so close in egg shell color. But the eb some tend to fade later and come back. My wheatens have held shelll color better and I havent noticed any turn lighter. Every line or hen can be differant. Its always a matter of selection from your stock which to use for breeders.

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