Calling all Penedesencas Owners/Breeders

Your White Emp's are very nice looking and I am happy to hear that they are calm.

My two Partridge Pene's seem very mellow too. They are a bit standoffish, but the little pullet likes to roost on my hand and makes very nice little coos.

The boy is a bit clumsy but what a comb for his age. Surprisingly, the Marans seemed to be much more flighty than the Pene's.

My partridge seem flighty but I have not handled them as much as I had hoped. I was going to start a little tonight and make a point to pick them up once a day at least
My partridge seem flighty but I have not handled them as much as I had hoped. I was going to start a little tonight and make a point to pick them up once a day at least

According to the European standards, they're all supposed to be wild. I think you can tame any chicken with enough handling but IMO the Penes will be very tough to make pets out of.
Every time I go out to the chicken yard my hens walk on my feet and fly up on my shoulders. It is cute, but I can't even walk without stepping on them. Way too friendly for the most part. The Australorps are better. They are not scared of me but they do not swarm at me.

A healthy dose of fear will go a long way in keeping prey animals alive. I call my Penes the original "Chicken Littles". They seem fine in a pen if it is large enough for them to reach a comfort zone of distance. Mine are more comfortable running loose and will come in much closer, eating as I'm adding feed to the feeders or giving them their fruits and vegies. Also I found that those hatched here, both in an incubator and under hens are not as flighty as those shipped in as day olds. I feel the same about my Cubalayas , the chicks are terrified when they arrive via P.O. Imprinting on newly hatched chicks is real. If you hatch in an incubator and have the time, early handling and talking to newly hatched chicks won't give them Cochin temperaments but they will trust their person more. Worked for me but don't always have the time .
I took my two outside for a bit yesterday. They really are pretty wild; I got some exercise yesterday running around the yard to catch them when it was time to go back inside with them. They may be crossed with Wheaten. What do you all think?

I took my two outside for a bit yesterday. They really are pretty wild; I got some exercise yesterday running around the yard to catch them when it was time to go back inside with them. They may be crossed with Wheaten. What do you all think?

I think they are mixed. My hen has a Mille Fleur pattern forming and lighter legs. rooster has the correct color legs but he was a hatch mate of yours with lighter legs. I think Wheaten and partridge males are tough to tell apart. Luann mentioned the color of the spurs is different but not sure how you would tell on a cross rooster

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