Calling all West-River South Dakotans

I have used both the heated platform for the galvanized water fonts and the plastic water font with the heated base. I don't have electricity in my coop, but just use an extension cord in the winter. I prefer the plastic one although it is a royal pain to fill, especially when the wind is blowing and my hands are freezing!

I should add that I like to elevate my water font using a big brick. Combined with the heated platform, the bantams I have now couldn't reach the water font hence my reason for trying the plastic one with the heated base.
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Amongst my little mixed flock of 32, my two 3 week old Silkies are growing so, so slow. They are going thru their ugly stage right now but I think they are the cutest little things! I 'm hoping we are starting to warm up here in the Black Hills, everyone needs to get outside for some sunshine! :D
I have acouple of Silver Laced Wyandotte roos and a few Bantam roos I am looking to find new homes for. (I have an overrun of roos). They are all approx.2 months old. I live in the Custer area. Let me know if you know of any interested persons.

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